The organ in the middle of the two eyebrows, which Dekart called "the place where the soul and body meet", and which physiologically and in shape is exactly similar to the normal human eye and its retina. The pineal gland, our pineal gland, right in the middle of the brain. What some call the "heart eye" is our psychic perception center. Although everything in the brain is symmetrical, only the pineal gland is unique and only the size of a pea. It is located in the cavity just behind the pituitary gland and its appearance is designed to replicate the pineal eye, which the Egyptians called "Ra", the eye of Horus. Since its structure resembles a pine cone, it takes its name from the Latin word "pineal" meaning pine cone. The difference from the normal eye is that although it is closed, it perceives light even in pitch darkness, which is why we jump awake when someone is watching us while we sleep, which is why we can perceive the light of a hand lamp held on our back even in deep darkness with our eyes tightly closed. It was considered sacred in many religions and archaic civilizations. Pharaohs used to place their serpent headdresses right above the third eye. What the Sumerian gods, the anunnaki, held in their hands, the sacred cone on the scepter of the popes, the cones designed in the Buddha's hair, what the Indians painted in the middle of their two eyes, the eye of Horus is connected to the pineal gland, the third eye. According to the Egyptians, the third eye is the most mysterious thing through which the soul sees the unknown. It is still unknown how they had such a specific medical knowledge at that time, but they knew the pineal gland in detail. They knew that the pineal gland had to be well nourished and protected, that it activated and functioned in the dark and atrophied in the light, which is why the pyramids, the tombs of the pharaohs, were designed to block out light.

Because fluoride causes calcification and atrophy of the pineal gland, many scientists believe that fluoride toothpastes should not be used and toothpaste should not be used before going to bed at night. Since the hormones secreted by the pineal gland are the hormones that make us strong, unyielding and defiant, fluoride was added to the food and drinks of soldiers during the Second World War to make them more obedient and to weaken and destabilize their pineal glands. Later, seeing that this was successful with the soldiers, the powers that be started to put fluoride in the most used things, toothpaste, in order to make people and nations obey more easily. One of the most important hormones secreted by the pineal gland, along with serotonin and melatonin, is DMT. DMT is what science calls the "spirit molecule" and is most secreted at birth and death. This hormone is also present in the "Ayahuasca" plant, which shamans use to enter trance and connect with the other realm. They used this plant to make the "spirit vine", a sacred and shamanic elixir. Also, the "reed cane" and the "gourd seed" release this hormone. In the ancient wisdom, the tea was drunk by clergy and priests as a tea in temples. Mevlana and Shamsi Tabrizi are also known to have drank the seeds to see the truth.

Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian gods are depicted holding the pineal gland. In Christianity, the pineal gland, called the "holy cone", adorns the Vatican garden in the form of a statue. The scepters of popes and ancient Greek gods, and even Hitler's desk are adorned with pine cones. The pine cone, which Freemasons call "the light of reason or the light of science", adorns the walls of all Masonic lodges in Europe. In ancient South America, they used to send their dead in a pine cone. In Lamaism, it is believed that the relationship between the astral body and the physical body is provided by a "silver cord" that can extend indefinitely, and that the silver cord is connected to the pineal gland and comes out of it.

It is believed that the human being is connected to the pineal gland by this silver cord and thus continues to be physically alive, just as the baby is connected to the umbilical cord in the womb and the life in the womb ends when the cord is cut immediately after birth. At the moment of death, with the severing of the silver cord, this being is detached from reality and exists in another reality. As long as nothing happens to this silver cord, the human being continues to exist in this reality. The dream is the wandering of the soul that is not detached from the pineal gland through this silver cord, and the fact that it sometimes seems to last for months, even though it happens in tiny fractions of a second, is because time and space are in reality an illusion. The spirit that wanders all over the universe with this silver cord, unbroken from the pineal gland, transforms the information and puts it into a logical form that one can understand, by making what one sees and hears conform to one's beliefs and images in this reality. For the most part, people are not educated, so they either misinterpret the messages or they cannot remember them. But everyone has dreamt of a loved one far away, or traveled in unfamiliar places, talked to people they have never met, done things they did not know, or even flown like birds. In Tibet this is called "Astral Travel" and in fact every human being has this ability. We just don't know and can't do it because we are untrained and unaware. Sometimes when we are about to fall asleep, or in sleep, we wake up with fear and a sudden jump, as if we have fallen into a void or an abyss, this is exactly what it is. So it is the astral body coming out of the physical body when sleep is not quite deep, and it is a violent separation of the two bodies. With the sudden movement of the body, the silver cord contracts and the astral body goes back into the physical body. When the astral body, like a balloon at the end of a string, is gently released from the tip of the pineal gland, to which it is attached by the silver cord, and then, with a loud sound or a movement outside the body, quickly returns to the body, one feels a fright, as if one had awakened just as one was about to fall off a cliff.

There is a saying in the Bible, "Let not the silver cord break, lest the golden bowl be broken". Again, in Tibetan beliefs, at the moment of death, this silver cord that connects the physical and spiritual bodies becomes thinner and thinner and breaks and the soul leaves the body. In fact, although our spiritual being, who has all this knowledge, knows almost everything about creation, because this is the reality of this reality, we have forgotten and have been made to forget. All our effort is to discover our essence outside this reality and to find ourselves again. In other words, in Sufi terms, the effort to "die before we die"... This is what our ancestors said "when we die, the veil over our eyes is lifted and we wake up from sleep"...

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