Do you remember Alice, whom we all knew well, read or watched cartoons of in our childhood? One day, while Alice was having a picnic by a lake with her sister, she came across a talking rabbit. She follows the rabbit and falls down a "rabbit hole". In order to open the door to other universes, she will have to shorten, then lengthen, shorten and lengthen again and again in dozens of adventures. He will find that he can speak the language of animals, and he will fall into a thousand and one adventures in other worlds that he did not know before. Later, "ALICE IN WONDERLAND", which inspired the "THE RABBIT HOLE" series of documentaries, would be her ticket into a fantastic world of the unknown for the first time. Entering through the rabbit hole would open a door like exiting the law of gravity, and like the interest in every unknown, we would be drawn more and more into the rabbit hole and then into the "wormhole".... So what is this world of wonders and wormholes? The wonder world of quantum physics is now able to decipher the behavior of subatomic matter particles, which even modern science cannot explain, and to solve and explain many psychic and metaphysical questions that have never been understood. For example, a subatomic particle can disappear from one orbit and appear in another orbit at the same time. This is what happens in teleportation and this is how it can be explained. What quantum physicists call "quantum entanglement" or "quantum entanglement" or what Einstein described as "spooky action at a distance" is that even if you separate fragmented particles billions of kilometers apart, a change in one particle will cause the same change in the others. I have explained this in one of my previous articles. In a scientific experiment conducted in the United States, saliva and blood samples taken from subjects were transported many kilometers away and stored under appropriate conditions. And these subjects were made to watch a baseball game. As their psychology and salivary gland secretions changed along with their excitement, the blood and saliva samples miles away also changed. This is what happens in psychokinesis or telekinesis. A person can affect or influence a distant object. A subatomic particle can be in more than one place at the same time. This explains what is called bilocation, the paranormal phenomenon of appearing in two different places at the same time. This must be the explanation for the 6-7 disciples of the Prophet Mevlana claiming that they had iftar in his house at the same time... If we move from here to the parallel universe theory; "Parallel universe" is defined as a hypothetical, self-contained reality that exists with itself. A specific and particular group of parallel universes is called a "multiverse". parallel universe theory states that there can be an unlimited number of universes existing simultaneously. And these universes are still expanding and even multiplying since the first explosion. Whereas we used to think that the Earth was the center of the universe. Now we know that this is not the case and that we are not unique. We know that beyond our galaxy there could be billions or trillions of planets like Earth. We have also learned that each distant universe may have different laws of physics, and that time and space belong only to this planet, because we live on a three-dimensional planet. Allan Guth at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology came up with the "cosmic inflation" model to explain some questions in the cosmology of the universe. According to this model, not all of the expanding space after the big bang decayed at the same time, and these different decay rates allowed for the infinite production of multiple universes. " Although the concept of multiple universes and parallel universes is not compatible with most beliefs, according to some mystical masters, time is not linear, there is no past, present and future, everything is happening at the same time, in the present moment and in different dimensions. So it's all one and intertwined. In other words, none of us is unique, because we can exist in other universes or dimensions in the same world time. And each universe may operate with different physical laws than our earth laws. I know this may seem funny or bizarre at first, but this concept is supported by scientific data that is too complex for us mere mortals to understand. Isn't it interesting and fantastic? Doesn't the feeling that we exist in different universes or dimensions at the same time seem really strange to you? And exciting too. You are reading this on this planet, but at the same time you could be traveling on a train in another universe or dimension, picking mushrooms in a forest somewhere else, sleeping in your bed somewhere else. Wow... I am really curious... Now, as I am writing this to you, what am I doing in which other dimensions?

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