Everything, every being that we can see with our eyes standing still, or that we cannot hear because of the forms we cannot see, has a vibrational sound. Even though we are used to the concept that we live in a material universe, a universe that is inert and matter is dead, in reality we do not live in a dead universe. From the smallest cellular unit called the microcosm, the atom, to the planets, everything around us has a potential sound, smell or vibration. Everything from animals and trees to us humans. There is a system called Saymatiks (Dalgamatik), which is a system prepared with sand or water. It is almost like magic. The process of imaging by vibrating sand or water when a sound is given. This system started with Da Vinci, Galileo, Robert Hook and Ernest Chladni, who made resonance observations. Chaladni did an interesting experiment. He covered a metal plate with a very thin layer of sand and applied a spring to the plate, causing the sand to vibrate. He obtained dozens of shapes in different patterns, and as he continued to do so, he created an infinite number of shapes. In fact, no matter how much diversity there is, this is a great experience of understanding the unity underlying all diversity. The experience of the essence of mind and matter, of universal oneness. The intertwined, infinite number of sounds and images of essence and nature, but unity.

We can see how everything we experience, everything we perceive sensually, everything we see, all of it has a sound and becomes an image and flows and flows. It's like different waves in the ocean of existence but different parts of the same ocean. So we are all vibrations of waves in the same ocean. This saymatiks is a formation that can show how they are interconnected and intertwined.

In the 1970s, Hans jenny was the first man to use and coined the term "psychics": "There are invisible shapes, physical, material and causal, that connect all worlds in their uniqueness and uniqueness.

John Steward Reed reorganized Chaladni's experiment. He generated frequencies on a metal plate connected to a sound driver. As the frequencies increased, the patterns on the plate changed, became more complex, dozens of patterns intertwined. Like a mirror of a hidden world. It's a hair-raising, marvelous thing. Some things that were invisible to the eye became visible with this system.

The counting scope is now used to observe counting patterns, and the rays emitted by dolphins in the ocean can be visualized by vibrations. A dolphin language dictionary has even been created with the dolphins' communication. We can now also see the image and patterns of our own vibrations when we run our hands over the counting scope.

While Mozart's and Beethoven's works create incredibly aesthetic shapes on the counterscope, you can also see the sounds of nature in a snowflake.

Sound affects matter and changes its shape as it forms shapes.

In the Qur'an, the Creator says, "We said, 'Be!' and it was!" for the creation of the universe. This is a verse that proves the existence and talisman of sound in the creation of the universe and everything in it, and that there was sound even before light.

Listening to good music is important in this respect. The frequency of music and sound resonates with the frequency of the mind and body and affects and transforms them. Instead of sad, lamenting, dramatic music, classical music or instrumental music should be preferred. Soothing, calming and soft music heals our energy, while metallic and negative music negatively affects our health.

I hope that today's article, in which I quote Evant Grant (Making sounds visible with Saymatiks) and Süleyman Sönmez (Right in the sun), will be a driving force for you to enter a world where you are only at the very beginning.

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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