Accepting everything as it is. This is not only the greatest peace, it is the greatest freedom.

One day Zeg Ziegler stops with a friend at a kiosk in New York where he buys his daily newspaper and hands over four dollars. The owner of the kiosk, with the most sullen expression on his face, slams the newspaper in front of Zeg Ziegler almost violently. Zeg politely takes the newspaper and they go back to the car. His friend is amazed and asks Zeg how he can stay calm and suggests that he get the newspaper from somewhere else. Zeg's answer is very interesting: "This is the nearest newsstand to me. I can't ruin the rest of my day and go out of my way to think about and be angry with a man I can never change and who is always sullen and unhappy. The easiest thing is to accept him as he is."

Admit you're in a traffic jam. Put on a motivational CD or put on your favorite music. It's snowing, enjoy a snowball. Is it too hot, enjoy walking barefoot on the stones. Is the office selfish and disrespectful, accept it, do your job. Is everyone angry around you, accept it as it is. Don't try to change it. When you accept it as it is instead of rejecting it and running away from the truth, the conflict disappears and you are not divided, the problems begin to disappear for you.

Everyone loves summer and spring, but life is also about loving winter and autumn. Everyone loves painlessness, health and wealth; the real thing is to love life with its sickness, poverty and deprivation.

Everything exists with its opposite, so to be able to embrace it all, to accept it as it is, is to accept what life brings.

As Nietzche mentions in Ecce Homo: "Saying yes to life with your mouth full"; accepting everything as it is and not wanting it any other way.

We, all of us, human beings, all beings and the universe. We are parts of one whole. All unhappiness and diseases are related to breaking away from the consciousness of the whole and breaking into parts. The consciousness of oneness and unity can only be felt through awareness and meditation. Meditation is not concentration, it is awareness. All parts are interconnected, not in conflict. They are in solidarity and peace. Maharishi describes this with a ball thrown into a pond. When the ball lands in the pool, another ball, standing on the surface of the pool 100 meters away, starts bobbing up and down. Because the whole pool is connected by water waves.

Or you can listen to a program broadcast on a radio station in Istanbul on a radio in Ankara. Here too, sound waves are at work. Just like this, the whole universe and all beings are connected to each other by special bonds and this can only be felt with awareness. Then you become whole, one and in unity.

Whenever you become whole, then a joy rises up from within you and surrounds you with peace and happiness. One becomes oneself, becomes life, becomes the universe, becomes the ocean, becomes the mountain...

Wherever you live, whatever work you do. Collect garbage, plow your field, be a dishwasher, sweep the streets, sit in your office; you will be completely peaceful. Because the main thing is to do your activity with integrity, with joy, with pleasure.

Every night before you go to sleep, do Osho's meditation on letting go. Relax every limb you can think of, from the tips of your fingers to the roots of your hair. Your arms, legs, neck, stomach, breasts, ears, face, eyelids. Tell them all to relax. And say "I release and let go of all the tension, boredom, sadness, fear, jealousy, worry, distress and negative emotions I have been experiencing all day long!"... Do this a few times and go to sleep after relaxing...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

uyanış aydınlanma mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes mukaddes mukaddes ruhsal rehber kolektif bilinç farkındalık hazartandoğan hakanyedican hakanyılmazçebi abdullahcanıtez bülentgardiyanoğlu ozanpartal sevildeniz cananbekdik cenksabuncuoğlu Bülent Gardiyanoğlu Çağrı Dörter Deniz Egece Zehirli Mikrofon Halil Ata Bıçakçı Erhan Kolbaşı Hasan Hüsnü Eren Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir Anette Inserberg Hakan Yedican Ferhat Atik Mustafa Kurnaz Kubilay Aktaş Hazar Tandoğan Alişan Kapaklıkaya Canten Kaya Şanal Günseli Haluk Özdil Binnur Duman Tuna Tüner Eray Hacıosmanoğlu Serpil Ciritci İlhan Berat Yılmam Teoman Karadağ Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu Abdullah Çiftçi Abdullah Canıtez Lemurya MU