Surrender is the only humane and dignified way out of the insolubility and meaninglessness of life without rebellion, despair and nihilism.

(Aliya Izzetbegovic)

Trusting and surrendering are similar. Both are related to being in the flow.
When there is surrender, life is perfect no matter what, everything that happens just exists. There is acceptance without attaching meaning. Like bullets fired at neon, you bend and twist and the bullets pass right and left without touching you. You don't take the bullets personally.

In fact, when you are attuned to awareness, body-mind wisdom, when you come out of the intellect and knowledge of judging and analyzing, you realize that this is all just a game designed for your evolution and you can stop the bullets with the palm of your hand and drop them on the ground.

This is the system, you know, and it's for your and everybody else's upliftment.

Everything you see, or can't see, hear or can't hear, smell or can't smell, perceive or can't perceive with the 5 senses, are energies that have no meaning except the meaning contained in their own vibration and energy. This includes emotions, thoughts and fears.

The meaning of an insect is that it is an insect. The meaning of a basket is that it is a basket. The meaning of fear is that it is just a fear energy. A feeling of insecurity is just an emotion. This means that everything is an energy and it is not designed to harm us or to give us pleasure. It just exists.

Trust and surrender are about reaching beyond reason and knowledge to the wisdom of the divine system. The knowledge of this system established and organized by Allah is recorded in all the codes of existence of each of us and even in our cells. Surrender is believing that this system will protect and watch over us and that everything is perfect in the universal order of life. It means volunteering for everything that happens and trusting that whatever happens is and will be for good.

A baby fish is born with the knowledge that it can swim, just as a baby bird knows that it can fly. It knows and feels that the divine system will allow it to fly. It is not afraid to fly.

Man also knows everything about his own existence, but he has forgotten. This forgetting pushes him into fear. All traumas are based on this fear and forgetting. Therefore, a series of intertwined traumas and karmas are born and born and grow and grow. Intertwined spiritual, emotional and physical diseases, blockages, sufferings, unhappiness arise.

This unpleasant and painful karma is not satisfied until it is resolved in one way or another through karma or grace.

Ammas, what-ifs, pains and memories of the past, worries about the future, fears, insecurities show that we are not in surrender, which means letting go of the need to be in control, being in the moment and staying in the flow, letting go of the search for meaning. This letting go is a kind of freedom and a kind of peace.
Because only then do we discover that everything that separates us from others and from the whole is a hallucination. When we realize our oneness, surrender begins to come spontaneously.

This is the search for the meaning of life. This is also the path of evolution. If everything around us is what is within us, wouldn't we be searching for what already exists? If universal wisdom is hidden within me, why don't I surrender to what is and what is not?

Could what I think is danger be a gift in disguise? Could what I think is danger actually be an illusion?

Could it be that we confuse knowledge, intellect, with wisdom?

In universal wisdom, there is no good and bad, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, beneficial and harmful. In universal wisdom there is no duality. Everything is good, right, beautiful. There are no emotions based on fear such as jealousy, fear, anger, distrust, competition, injustice, hatred.

There is surrender to what is, flowing with the flow of life, effortlessly and easily going with the flow and BEING together. This can sometimes be bumpy, stony, earthy, rugged, with many cascades and cliffs, as well as calm and serene. Sometimes it can flow in reverse, even uphill. Sometimes it circles around in the same place. Sometimes the road to reach the ocean can be long. But in surrender, there is safety everywhere. Every flow is appropriate and safe.

The lessons are for our learning and everyone's learning and growth and development, not for hurting and hurting us. The whole reality of life is just a school and we are the observers, that's all...

Just trust in the wisdom of the universe and the divine system.

Just know that unconditional love is compatible with happiness and peace and surrender more and more and more...

Because in order for us to fulfill our wishes, goals and desires, people and events appear at the appropriate time. They will only be given when they are perfectly orchestrated in the infinite time wisdom of the system, which requires synchronicity. Synchronicity requires trust, patience and surrender to the flow...

With patience, gratitude and submission.

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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