A daisy has the same essence in its yellow, white, green leaves and even in its stem and root.

An apple tree has the same essence in its fruit, flowers, branches, leaves and roots. None of them are separate from each other. Does the apple tree give seeds, or does the seed of an apple tree become a tree?

When you break the core of an apple, the core of a lemon, a seed, you always see a void. In this void is the knowledge of the fruit, the flower and the tree, but nothing is void. There is the vibration of light and knowledge in everything and everywhere that is seen as emptiness.

When we go a little further, everything that is seen, not seen, heard, not heard, perceived or not perceived with the five senses, everything we smell, hear, see, touch, sound, smell, color, all phases of matter, liquid gas, solid universe and everything in universes is light. Everything is an oscillation of light.

Light is what connects the micro and macro universes. Everything seen and unseen between universes is the vibration of light. As the resonance of light changes, as it becomes smaller or larger, its shape changes, its form changes. Everything that we see as separate from us, everything that we see as different is only different in scale. Everything in the universes is alive. Is a tree just wood? Of course not! Is water lifeless? Of course not! Everything that comes from Him is alive. In fact, there is no such thing as artificial. What we think of as artificial can be called man-made. But everything that comes from Him and is allowed to be made is the vibration of protons and electrons.

Do you think crystals and minerals are inanimate? Of course they are alive. They are just on a different scale. They have been living for millions of years. If you want, you can put a camera and videotape their lives, but our average lifespan of 80 years is not enough to observe their lives. We need to sit and watch for 1000 years to see the movement in a crystal.

Speaking of crystals, let's not pass without mentioning the world-famous Silicon Valley, which we all know. Why is it called Silicon Valley? Just as the basic building block of humans is carbon (C), the basic building block of crystals is silicon. In other words, silicon. Many world-renowned technological brands are located in Silicon Valley. The reason for this is that crystals are used in all technological devices because they are durable, have a great memory and can transfer the information they store. They carry a lot of information, they hold a lot of information from the beginning of existence to the present day. I hope that in the very near future we will be able to store and transfer information directly using crystals instead of external memories. And don't look for crystals far away; water, which makes up 70-80% of our body, is also crystalline. The remaining percentage is filled by elements and minerals, which are also crystalline structures. For example, the spine, which provides the basic posture of the body, is made of the mineral calcium.

This is precisely why human beings are "liquid crystal". Just as all universes and "everything" in them are "liquid crystal". In all these universes created by Him and manifested from Him, no creature is superior or inferior to another. Only the scale is different.

The realization of unity in diversity is also an important step in the evolution of humanity. All of us and everything is a wave in a single cosmic ocean. If the wave realizes that it is the ocean, it realizes its own power. Small wave, big wave, it doesn't matter, they are all part of the ocean.

There is no good or bad. Everything that comes from Him is good. Everything is as it should be. Trust Him and surrender yourself to Him. Do not be afraid. Where fear ends, life begins..

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

uyanış aydınlanma mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes mukaddes mukaddes ruhsal rehber kolektif bilinç farkındalık hazartandoğan hakanyedican hakanyılmazçebi abdullahcanıtez bülentgardiyanoğlu ozanpartal sevildeniz cananbekdik cenksabuncuoğlu Bülent Gardiyanoğlu Çağrı Dörter Deniz Egece Zehirli Mikrofon Halil Ata Bıçakçı Erhan Kolbaşı Hasan Hüsnü Eren Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir Anette Inserberg Hakan Yedican Ferhat Atik Mustafa Kurnaz Kubilay Aktaş Hazar Tandoğan Alişan Kapaklıkaya Canten Kaya Şanal Günseli Haluk Özdil Binnur Duman Tuna Tüner Eray Hacıosmanoğlu Serpil Ciritci İlhan Berat Yılmam Teoman Karadağ Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu Abdullah Çiftçi Abdullah Canıtez Lemurya MU