Look! 2 months ago, if a madman had told us what the world would be like today, we would not have believed him and even accused him of madness, dear friends. But this project is very old. It was written in 1871 by Albert Pike and has been implemented literally all over the world until today.

By whom? By the main known front families and the organized mind behind these fronts, a total of 200 people, which even the queen is afraid of. I have been trying to write and explain it for 10 years. And for those who still cannot understand it or have not heard of it until today, I ask you to follow dear Ramazan Kurtoğlu and Abdullah Çiftçi urgently, urgently, insistently and daily...

The dark purpose here: To get rid of the human population, which they have been using up to this day, taking their money, and which they now consider to be unnecessary after artificial intelligence and as consumers! By chipping, by abandoning cash and moving to Block Chain, by digital revolutions, by technological intelligence! Programming the human brain with artificial intelligence and reducing it to 500 million people who will obey them!


Since LUCIFER (Satan) is at the head of the extensions of this alien reptilian race trying to take over the world, that is, at the head of this organized mind; we must know the enemy and know who we are fighting.

If we are not afraid, if we remain in balance, if we remain in love, if we become ONE, they can never win! In fact, this situation can turn into a great opportunity for the change of the world and humanity.

For this, it is essential to pay attention to hygiene rules and strengthen the immune system. Experts have already shared and are sharing the necessary information on this.

And I strongly recommend you to follow Dr. TEOMAN KARADAĞ on instagram, who not only uses western medicine, but also eastern medicine and all traditional medicine and skillfully blends all the methods from creation to this day, you will reach information that will shock you...

Now, for the first time here, using my homeopathic pharmacist side and all my other professional trainings, I wanted to quickly gather practical information and applications LIKE HAP and give them to you. Don't lose it, print it out, recommend it to everyone, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. And please take these suggestions seriously! Will it work? They can try all the patented viruses from now on!

May it heal...


These are things that should never be consumed. They have been degraded for decades to deliberately lower the immune system.

-Flour and anything containing flour (cake, bread, pasta, biscuits)
-Sugar (everything containing sugar) Fruits and dried fruits can be consumed in moderation.
-Rice, corn, bulgur (since GMOs are completely modified), only siyez bulgur can be consumed.
-Nescafe, coffee, cola, anything containing caffeine.
-All packaged foods.
-Cow products (meat, milk, cheese, yogurt) Sheep and goat products should be consumed instead of cow
-Fluoride toothpaste (because it sediments the pineal gland, the third eye, making it easier to obey).
-Chicken (because their chromosomes have been altered and they are new creatures produced by humans). If you have been raising them yourself for many years, in the village, at home, of course they can be consumed.
-Egg: Only eggs numbered 0 should be consumed, never eggs numbered 1-2-3! The numbers are printed on the eggs.
-Salt: Only old-style rock salt and himalayan salt should be consumed.


-Silver water, bentonite, kefir are a must.

-Zinc, vitamin C, vitamin K and D together, omega 3

-Echinacea, rosehip, hibiscus mixture should be brewed in boiled water for 5 minutes and consumed 1 or 2 glasses daily.

-Home tarhana

-Black cumin oil (1 teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach)

-Turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and coconut oil should be mixed in equal proportions and taken immediately after a teaspoon of black cumin oil every day.

Home-made apple cider vinegar should be taken 1 tablespoon between two meals every day and pickles prepared with apple cider vinegar should be consumed frequently.

-We should consume spices such as thyme, ginger, turmeric, black cumin, black pepper, sumac at breakfast, in salads, soups and if possible on every meal and get used to them for a lifetime.

-Shüssler salt No. 3 is a must, especially during this and future pandemics.

-Dark green vegetables should be eaten raw if possible and in abundance.

- Both body and mind should be alkalized, and for this, body and mind detox should become a habit.

-In the morning, half an hour before breakfast;

-1 tablespoon of homemade apple cider vinegar

-1 teaspoon of black cumin oil.

-1 cup of home-made kefir (kefir should be made from goat or sheep's milk and a wooden spoon should be used).

In the morning half an hour after breakfast:

-Schüssler's salt number 3 (it should be kept under the tongue as much as possible and swallowed drop by drop).

In the evening before bedtime:

-Bentonite: 2 tablespoons should be drunk. However, eating and drinking should be stopped one hour before taking bentonite and silver water. Because their absorption starts in the mouth and esophagus. (Get rid of heavy metals, radiation and toxins with bentonite)

-Silver water (1/3 of the tea glass should be taken into your mouth and gargled for 3-4 minutes and kept in the mouth, then swallowed drop by drop and slowly.( Silver water is a magic and regulates your intestinal flora, especially your second brain).

-In the morning, half an hour before breakfast;

-1 tablespoon of homemade apple cider vinegar

-1 teaspoon of black cumin oil.

-1 cup of home-made kefir (kefir should be made from goat or sheep's milk and a wooden spoon should be used).

In the morning half an hour after breakfast:

-Schüssler's salt number 3 (it should be kept under the tongue as much as possible and swallowed drop by drop).

In the evening before bedtime:

-Bentonite: 2 tablespoons should be drunk. However, eating and drinking should be stopped one hour before taking bentonite and silver water. Because their absorption starts in the mouth and esophagus. (Get rid of heavy metals, radiation and toxins with bentonite)

-Silver water (1/3 of the tea glass should be taken into your mouth and gargled for 3-4 minutes and kept in the mouth, then swallowed drop by drop and slowly.( Silver water is a magic and regulates your intestinal flora, especially your second brain).

Important Note:
For hand and body cleansing, switch to solid soaps such as laurel soap with real olive oil or bıttım soap, forget about body gels or liquid soaps. In fact, replace shampoos with these whenever possible.

Stones store millions of years of knowledge. We should use their wisdom to cure and strengthen the immune system. I think it is high time that we use all these methods that the organized mind knows and uses. The most urgent ones are:

-Wear necklaces or bracelets with amber stones (to strengthen the immune system).
- Clear quartz should be thrown into the jugs and the water should be revitalized. (Unless we can drink spring water or river water, the water we drink is useless for the cellular fluid, as the water in all kinds of pots and pans is lifeless).

-Cleanse all the nooks and crannies by burning bay and thyme leaves like incense.
Or you can also use paolo santo as incense.

-Lavender oil, sandalwood oil, bergamot oil can be used. Instead of ready-made deodorants and perfumes containing aluminum, natural oils and jade should be used as deodorizers.

Finally, I would like to present you with the permission and desire of dear Behsat Şahbaz, his magic formula and even the elixir of youth, which he says you will be amazed at how your immune system is activated from the first spoon.

-100 ml flaxseed oil

-2 peeled lemons

-1 garlic clove

Put it all in a food processor and pour it into a glass jar. Add half a kilo of safe honey and mix well. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day, half an hour before each meal. Do this until the end of the year so that you are ready for this and the next virus! Don't be surprised to see your fears disappear, your strength increase and you gain courage and fortitude!

Raise your energy! Vibrating at 57 hertz, the resonance of the virus will be far below your resonance!

Let's go above 200 hertz!


Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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