Be grateful when the bottom falls out! This is the way things work in the universal system. Everything is for human and being evolution. That's why "everything is good" and "everything is right".

Everything is for your development. Understand this and celebrate it!

Choose to see and accept the message and the lesson here, because nothing is as it seems. Because we are responsible for everything that happens to us. Understand and accept that!

To joyfully take full responsibility for everything that exists in our lives! This offers the highest success and hope...

Understand this for sure! Everything you think, say, do, believe, choose and become! You either cause it, create it, call it, choose it, or allow it! Knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly! It all works with a ripple effect.

When you throw a stone in the pond, you see the ripple at the other end of the pond. What you think and what you intend affects and radically changes not only you, but the entire universe. Nobody seems to know about it!

I can't remember who it belongs to, but I love it: If a butterfly flaps its wings here, it can create a tsunami in Australia...
This is precisely why it is important to understand the nature and chemistry of thoughts! The jokes we tell, or the familiar phrases that come out of our mouths throughout the day. Everything that goes through our minds matters.

These positive and negative thoughts turn into emotions, positive and negative emotions turn into behaviors, behaviors turn into reality, and we receive positive and negative reactions from the environment.

So how can we plan our thoughts and turn them into reality?

1) Wanting: We need to really desire our wishes and desires, not just say them, express them, hope for them.

2) Belief: If there is even the slightest fear, doubt or disbelief, forget it in the first place!

3) Response: There is a universal answer to our thoughts and wishes. Do not reason about how this answer will come, we never know. Don't worry about the size and quantity of the desire or dream! Don't get involved there! Let the system work itself!

4-) It is a very important shortcut to be in excitement and euphoria, to think as if everything has already happened and our dreams have come true.

This is neither a hopeful dream, nor an adventure, nor madness! In fact, faith and intention are our greatest secrets and helpers, if we can understand and use them well. Just as we use electricity without knowing its nature, let us do it with intention and thoughts! Let's not try to understand its nature, but just use it!

Einstein said: "Imagination is the beginning of everything we will have in the future".

So let's imagine good things, create positive thoughts, throw away the negative ones and neutralize them! This is the mystery of the law of thought...

Moreover, if our emotions and thoughts are positive, we attract positive energy; if not, we attract negative.

Positive energies such as light, brightness, goodness, love, loyalty, patience, compassion, mercy, hope are always at war with negative energies such as darkness, evil, jealousy, impatience, selfishness, mischief, fanaticism, hatred, hatred, anger, all fears and hopelessness. If we can balance and control these two energies, they will serve us and become our servants.

The soul rules the mind and the mind rules the body. The negative mind lowers the body's immune system by absorbing negative energy. When our being is completely enveloped in negative emotions and thoughts, diseases occur. Peace, tranquility and love heal the soul and restore physical health.
Again, accepting everything as it is allows us to have a more positive outlook on life.

In short: It is important to always visualize positive outcomes with our minds, to constantly convince ourselves that everything is going well.

We need to plant positive energies in the deepest layers of our brain!

With a radical change, urgently! We need to take control of the way we think!

Use only positive phrases when we speak: I can do it! It is possible! I am capable! We must get used to using sentences like: I can!

Keep happiness, love, success alive and get rid of all negative thoughts and replace them with productive and fun thoughts!
In addition, do things that make you happy, focus on your hobbies, keep in touch with positive people, keep your positive emotions alive by practicing breathing and exercise!

Just think positive and focus on positive outcomes.

If life is not going your way right now, be sure that with positive thinking you can change everything!

Make a note of today! Because nothing will ever be the same again!....

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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