You all know that I mostly write articles in the time I have left over from my very busy and tight life. Today, I wanted to make a nostalgia, to spend a long time in the kitchen for the first time in years, to prepare jams and marmalades and give them as gifts to my friends and children.

Since last night, I made peach jam with peaches that I washed, peeled, sorted and sliced, and plum marmalade with plums.

My peach jam with vanilla and plum marmalade with cinnamon and cloves are famous and I make them really well...

Anyway... I've been enjoying all this
While I was working, an old friend of mine called me three or five times but I didn't hear him.

On the one hand, I was proud of myself, I had done a good job, on the other hand, the scent of vanilla cinnamon jam was caressing me, and on the other hand, I had a guilty conscience because I hadn't eaten sugar for many years...

I bragged to my friend about the jams I had cooked and what I had achieved...

"It doesn't suit you!" he said. "You, who writes and draws so much, who tells people about awareness! You eat candy? You don't just eat it, you prepare it and give it as a gift? Don't you know what candy is?"...I was embarrassed... I felt sad... I watched a program he sent me a link to and then...

Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay, a heart and internal medicine specialist, in her latest book "10 codes of real medicine" and Prof. Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Aydın University, in his book "Bio-political wars" and Soner Yalçın in his book "Hidden Elects". Ramazan Kurtoğlu's "Bio-political wars" and Soner Yalçın's "Hidden Chosen Ones", I have already summarized in another article how the world is ruled through "food terrorism" and food terrorism, how the world population is tried to be broken, how humanity is deliberately and calculatedly made sick and then the pharmaceutical industry's schemes to increase drug sales.

Today, in addition to these, I strongly recommend you to watch Didem Arslan Yılmaz's program with Ramazan Kurtoğlu and Canan Karatay on Habertürk's "Turkey's Pulse" program...

When you realize how GMO food and "hybrid seeds" and even the water we drink have become the most important part of a biopolitical war and the most important weapon in a power struggle, you will once again be astonished...

In order to reduce the world's population and sterilize the generations, they have not only played with water and bread, the most basic needs of people, but they have also trapped the whole world humanity with packaged foods, processed foods, meat, chicken, yogurt and milk.

We have talked a lot about who these are. They are a dozen families, mainly the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, along with some global powers, some of them reaching back to England and even royalty, some to Israel and America. They have ruled money since the Knights Templar. They own the world's arms, food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as the movie, TV and media industries. The people of the world are just toys and victims in their hands.

Kissinger: "With oil you govern states, with food you govern people". As Kissinger said, they rule people with food. This means that if you want to take over states, take their oil; if you want to take over people, take their food.

When there is an apocalypse, they are preparing to build a new world for themselves by taking out the hybrid-free traditional seeds they have saved for themselves from the "Warehouse of Apocalypse", the huge warehouse on the island of Spielberg in Norway, which they started to build about 30 years ago.

Let's talk about my jam and the sugar in it...

Gluten and sugar destroy friendly bacteria in the gut and cause harmful bacteria to multiply. The intestinal flora loses its balance and deteriorates. Canan Karatay describes the disruption of the intestine as the disruption of the entire digestive tract, including the small and large intestines, the stomach, the pancreas and the whole system, such as the pipe that reaches the nose, the small tongue and the tongue, and then the brain, and underlines that sugar should be thought of as a poison. Moreover, when the semi-permeable intestine is disrupted, as gluten and sugar intake continues, it turns from semi-permeable to permeable, and even holes are opened due to cell disruption, and useless and decayed nutrients that should be removed from the intestine along with beneficial nutrients pass into the internal organs. Aspartame and so-called sugar-free candies are also irreversibly damaging to the brain. Canan Hoca says that calorie-free and diet sugars and energy drinks are the biggest food terrorism and cause serious harm to young people who are our future...

I think there is no way of estimating the damage caused by corn syrup and soy, and the damage caused by gluten and sugar. Gluten means estrogen. In the past, its rate in traditional flour did not reach 14%, but in hybrid wheat (dwarf wheat) they genetically modified it and increased it up to 65%. Now most of the society has gluten allergy and intolerance.

Canan Hoca does not say you should not eat flour, she says you can eat traditional bread with siyez flour if you can find it. But she says never eat sugar because of the damage it causes to the intestine and turns the body into acid...

Ramazan Kurtoğlu points to sugar as the biggest factor in the sterilization and extermination of the human race in biopolitical wars, especially...
Instead of all these, they recommend homemade apple cider vinegar, homemade pickles, homemade yogurt, which are natural probiotics. Since probiotics are live bacteria, they should be taken naturally, not through medication, and they can be taken from outside instead of dead beneficial bacteria. Extra virgin olive oil, radish, cabbage, kale, collard greens and celery, which are also called prebiotics and strengthen the beneficial bacteria in the gut, should be consumed frequently...

As the saying goes... Nothing healthy is delicious. Everything we like the taste of is harmful garbage....

So? What about the jams and marmalades I made?...Wow...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

uyanış aydınlanma mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes mukaddes mukaddes ruhsal rehber kolektif bilinç farkındalık hazartandoğan hakanyedican hakanyılmazçebi abdullahcanıtez bülentgardiyanoğlu ozanpartal sevildeniz cananbekdik cenksabuncuoğlu Bülent Gardiyanoğlu Çağrı Dörter Deniz Egece Zehirli Mikrofon Halil Ata Bıçakçı Erhan Kolbaşı Hasan Hüsnü Eren Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir Anette Inserberg Hakan Yedican Ferhat Atik Mustafa Kurnaz Kubilay Aktaş Hazar Tandoğan Alişan Kapaklıkaya Canten Kaya Şanal Günseli Haluk Özdil Binnur Duman Tuna Tüner Eray Hacıosmanoğlu Serpil Ciritci İlhan Berat Yılmam Teoman Karadağ Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu Abdullah Çiftçi Abdullah Canıtez Lemurya MU