Mona Lisa and her enigmatic smile have been discussed for centuries. Who was this Mona Lisa? Some say it was a woman, others say it was a man.

And he completed the Mona Lisa in almost 16 years in different places and different studios, carrying it everywhere with him. It was made with sacred geometry, using the Golden Ratio, and both female and male geometry were superimposed. As Dan Brown explains in his book "The Da Vinci Code", "The Last Supper" and the Mona Lisa paintings hid very special secrets.

Stevenson and his team, researchers who have spent a lifetime studying the Mona Lisa, replicated the painting in high resolution and began to examine every millimeter and 4 layers of the painting one by one. They saw the numbers 7 and 2 just below the bridge behind the Mona Lisa. They clearly identified the letter L in the right pupil and the letter S in the left pupil. To find out the meaning of the numbers L, S and 72, they set out to search the painting and investigate the reality of the landscape behind it. They found that when looking towards the town from a section of an old medieval castle in the town of Bobbio, where Leonardo lived for a while, one can see almost the exact same landscape. The meandering river, the high hills and the stone bridge with the figures underneath. The largest arch of the bridge, the one with the number 72 inscribed underneath, was destroyed by a massive flood in 1972 and restored, a fact that makes the number 72 meaningful. Every code Leonardo used had an important meaning.

In order to find the letters L and S, they then scrutinized Leonardo's life. Because Giam Giacomo Oreno, a poor boy he took in when he was only 10 years old, became very naughty and bad as he grew older, Leonardo nicknamed him "Salai", meaning little devil. Rumor has it that his apprentice Salai was a source of inspiration for Leonardo, perhaps even his lover, whom he painted in several paintings. He even painted both of them in one painting. But only one of his paintings of her showed an incredible resemblance to the Mona Lisa. Her smile, her features, her look were almost identical.

Salai, who was a little boy at the beginning, learned a lot from Leonardo as he grew up and became closer to him, and a harmony, a sensuality began between them. But because homosexuality was punishable by death at the time, they had to hide it until death. That's why Leonardo used another name when immortalizing his most precious one and hid his face with sacred geometry. That's why he took the painting with him everywhere and drew it in secret, taking great care. But since they knew the name he had given her, he changed the name of the painting from Mon Salai (My little devil) to MONA LISA by changing the letters using the encryption technique. Mon already meant "mine", he immortalized the most important secret of his life in this painting. With the mirroring technique, when several Mona Lisa's were superimposed on top of each other, it looked exactly as if she was looking into the eye of the beholder. So the L in the other pupil stood for Leonardo.

Again in "The Last Supper", he used the mirroring method to create great ciphers. When the hands and the bread in this painting were matched with a note, a wonderful piece of music emerged.

Leonardo's followers, who knew the Golden Ratio and Sacred geometry best and used it as a technique, also created miracles using this technique... Lucie Lamy, who died in Egypt in 1989, looked at the masses of large and small stones found and kept in Karnak, looked at them and went home. She drew a plan and said place them like this. When they did, everyone was shocked, because when the stones that had been sitting for years were put together like pieces of a puzzle, the temple of Karnak was revealed. Lucie, who had put together many piles of stones like this one, had fully understood the ancient Egyptian civilization and sacred geometry, which knew the golden ratio very well.

Lucie had drawn the temple by superimposing drawings of men and women. The human legs show the path from Karnak to Luxor. The original drawing looked like a male element, but the mirror effect made it a female element.

In Leonardo's drawings, too, there are shapes and writings that can only be read and seen when a mirror is held over them. It was a method known to many ancients and always known to the Egyptians, and they were always changing everything to hide information. Drunvalo Melchizedek called it: "It's like a little game of hide and seek, so that the outside world doesn't find out"... In the book "Leonardo the Unknown", there were detailed drawings of the geometric shapes of the flower of life, which for years were thought to be Leonardo's scribbles, from the basic key found all over the world, the central core of the flower of life, to detailed drawings of the flower of life, which conveys the core knowledge that we have forgotten with creation. Moreover, he used a lot of passwords and encryption in this notebook. In all his notebooks and notes, he wrote them backwards so that they could not be stolen or read. He arranged the ones he found very important in a complicated way, changing their places and organizing them in such a way that only he knew the parts to be combined. However, it was thought that he only made about 20 paintings, only 20 of them were famous. Moreover, it is still possible to see the core information in these paintings, which are thought to have been made by him, in many churches, monasteries, even in Hagia Sophia...

He worked on all the sacred geometry and Flower of Life possibilities one by one, and built the transmission system of today's cars and the helicopter with only Flower of Life studies and sacred geometry.

Pythagoras, who is called the father of the modern world, as a mathematician acting with the Flower of Life understanding, proved every situation in geometry with sacred geometry and the angles he found based on it.

Lucie Lamy, like Pythagoras in the 500s BC and Leonardo in the 1500s BC, had already solved the secret of sacred geometry and the universe... I guess... The wisdom of the ancient times was beyond today's technology. And as we advance in technology, we move away from the essence and forget ourselves and who we are...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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