On their way home from hunting, the villagers lose their dog and come across a cave while searching for him. As the dog's voice was coming from deep inside the cave, they slowly and hesitantly made their way deeper and got the surprise of their lives. The dog's voice was coming from a well deep inside the cave. The villagers are shocked when they bring a rope and go down to the bottom of the well to pull the dog out. They remain in fear and panic. At the bottom of the well, there is a room carved out of stone, a sarcophagus and some objects inside the room.

On the sarcophagus they find a medallion that they think belongs to Jesus Christ. When they open the sarcophagus, they find a dead body and a book written on papyrus. Since all these events took place in Şırnak Uludere in 1981, the villagers who found the book took it to Ferhan Babat, the leader of the Babat tribe. Realizing the historical value of the book, Babat took it to everyone, including priests, and tried to understand it. When he couldn't find a single person who understood what the book was about, or even knew what language it was written in, he and Hakkı Şengüler, the Malatya deputy of the time, sent only two pages of the book to philologist Hamza Hocagil in order to decipher it.

Hamza Hocagil was one of the few people in Turkey who knew Aramaic, and he realized the first time he saw these two pages that the book was written in Aramaic and Syriac script. Aramaic is an ancient and forgotten language used by Jesus Christ and is not used at all today.

Even the most important of the more than sixty gospels accepted by Christendom after the original was lost, the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, were translations from Greek, none of them in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke. And even the oldest was from the fourth century, long after Jesus. In fact, Luke had never even met Jesus, he had only been around St. Paul. The other three were chosen because they were very similar and used the same terms. Joanna differs from the others in that he prioritizes his own memories and interpretations. All four gospels are written in vernacular Greek.

Khojagil translates the first page of the book as follows:

"I, Barnabas of Cyprus... write faithfully, after 48 celestial years, in the fourth manuscript, exactly as I heard from Jesus, what was revealed by the Spirit of Jerusalem to Meshachah, as a whole, from the Lord of hosts, worthy to be praised."

Hocagil believes that this book is the authentic Bible, lost for two thousand years, and Şengüler wants to buy it from Ferhan Babat for 280,000 dollars.

After that, it remains an unsolved mystery. At least I think so. Like many people, I was curious and followed it for years and then I forgot about it. However, today, while going through my books, I found Aydoğan Vatandaş's book "Apocryphal (Hidden from the People)" and even the article written by Bülent Günal on the Sunday page of Vatan newspaper on August 31, 2008, which I kept among them, and I was suddenly and again confused, and I wanted to confuse you too

Hamza Hocagil and Mehmet Ali Arslan, father of Diyarbakır MP İlhan Arslan, are on their way to receive the Bible. Ferhan Babat was going to deliver the book to them. However, something very interesting happened and the book fell into the hands of the gendarmerie and was kept hidden in the gendarmerie headquarters for two years. Then it fell into the hands of the Special Warfare Department of the General Staff.

Hamza Hocagil did not let it go, and after long efforts, he reached the book again. With the arrangement of then Prime Minister Turgut Özal, the book was hidden behind a few iron doors at the Special Warfare Department and he was given permission to translate it at the Special Warfare Headquarters in Balmumcu, Istanbul. Every day he worked on the translation there, and was even paid a translation fee by the War Academies. Thus, he translated 19 pages of the book. Officers from the Special Warfare Department accompanied him there.

In the Gospel of Barnabas, Khojagil said: "The Gospel of Barnabas contains the teachings of not associating partners with God, Tawhid, details about worship, helping one's neighbor, and exemplary parables about the tribe of Lot."

The most remarkable thing is in one verse:

"A prophet will come, and those who follow him will be like ears of corn."

On the last page of the Gospel, Khojagil said that St. Barnabas wrote the Gospel in four copies, and that he indicated the locations of the other three copies.

One of the gospels was in Israel, one in the Arabian peninsula and the other in Zaho, Sulaymaniyah in Iraq. And again on the last page there was information about the whereabouts of the Aramaic Psalms written by David's own hand and the Ten Commandments written by Aaron on copper plates.

As for who St. Barnabas was, he was born in Cyprus and was known as the scribe of the revelation of Jesus Christ, who was stoned to death in 61 A.D. because of the forbidden Gospel and at the instigation of the Church.

The Gospel of Barnabas was written by St. Barnabas, who traveled with Jesus for three years from mountain to mountain and was the closest to Jesus. However, in 496 A.D., many political reasons were invented (One of the two main reasons was that he was preaching the Last Prophet Muhammad and the other was that Maria Magdalena was the wife of Jesus and she was pregnant and her lineage was continuing, as understood from the ciphers secretly given by Leonardo at his last meal. This is why medieval women healers were famous for being slaughtered in witch hunts). In the Decretum Gelasianum issued by Pope Glasius I, it was declared an heretical book. This decree is among the surviving documents.

One of the most important elements of the Gospel of Barnabas is the belief in monotheism and the uniqueness of God. It presents Jesus Christ as prophet and vicar.

The Roman Church, on the other hand, has struggled with these elements for centuries and sometimes practiced excommunications, massacres and massacres in order to impose the Trinity on all Christian Communities.

In conclusion, what happened to our Gospel of Barnabas? Is it still in the General Staff? Is it already in the hands of the Vatican? I left the rest to you....

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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