We are in a period when the world is going through a difficult period, and I think we are special and lucky beings born into this world.

The human being and soul comes from eternity and goes to eternity. The physical body is just like a dress that we use in the third dimension we are in. When we undress from it and leave, we will not have left anywhere, we will only have transformed and changed shape in eternity.

Moreover, it has been widely explained by the spirituals that we are in contact with the souls of our ancestors who have lived the earth experience until today and who have now left the earth. With our personal experience and learning, with our evolutions, we are realizing the evolutions of our spiritual ancestors and even planetary and universal evolutions together.

Through universal laws and universal wisdom, through a shared consciousness and homogeneous motion, everything and everyone is whole and interconnected through the tapestry of consciousness.

The famous physicist David Bohm, one of the founders of quantum physics, supported by Einstein, was the first scientist to realize that an electron is both a wavelet and a particle, and he proved with the Schrodinger equation and theorem that the universe is in homogeneous interconnected motion. And the universe was vibrating as a single, unified entity in fluid motion.

The famous biologist Rubert Shelrake also came up with an amazing theory about morphogenetic fields. According to him, a morphogenetic field surrounds each of us and connects everything. This meant that: Every emotion felt, every thought thought and idea thought, every word spoken, spread through this morphogenetic field, and so everything was connected. Every other being could learn and feel this through a kind of osmosis.

Carl Jung also argued that everything was interconnected with his theory of "collective consciousness".

William Blake, William Butler Yeats, John Paul Sartre and Wilhelm Reich underlined similar theories.

So with what I have explained so far, I have underlined that not only the planet, but the entire universe and even the cosmos, which we call the hyperuniverse, are in communication with each other.

This means that if the entire planet, let alone the cosmos, is morphogenetically connected to each other, then those who play with us like cats with mice can succeed very quickly in their projects...

If we go back to the process we are in; we have understood the future of the world and the projects that are being done with the reduction of the human population, which I have explained many times in my posts and articles on my instagram and you tube channel; as the light increases, the darkness that will balance it will get darker and darker. They may start to get uglier because they know they are going to leave. But as the awakening grows and the number of enlightened people reaches a "critical mass", everything can change in an instant. Their calculations could blow up in their faces.

When a "critical mass" is reached, as in Rupert Sheldrake's "hundredth monkey phenomenon", we will be changing and transforming the world.

In this experiment, scientists on the Japanese island of Koshima leave potatoes on the beach. Monkeys eat the sandy potatoes and don't like them. One young monkey thinks of washing the potato in the stream and likes it very much. He teaches this to his mother and the monkeys around him. When this number reaches a "critical number", a "critical mass", 100 monkeys, all the monkeys on the island and all the monkeys on neighboring islands have learned to eat potatoes by washing them.

So? What's stopping us then? After knowing all this, are we still vibrating with fear?

When we shift out of the fear and negative paradigm and into forgiveness, unconditional love, neutrality, surrender, support, compassion, mercy, cooperation, gratitude, intention, vulnerability and universal wisdom, there will be a higher vibration of consciousness. So, when you experience a shift in consciousness, the transformation that starts from your closest ones, your environment, your neighborhood, will push us all into a state of grace. As you transform yourself, after a critical mass you will be affecting everyone else and the whole humanity, the whole planet.

The transformation of consciousness in this process is the seed consciousness of the planet and future generations. As each of us plants this seed, as more and more people experience awakening, it will lead to the awakening of others.

Each of us has our own key. When everyone opens their own lock, the door to the universal wisdom within themselves, the feeling of gratitude and peace that the knowledge brings will have passed the critical mass and the whole planet will be healed.

Which is your path?
To experience unity and peace from higher consciousness, in universal wisdom?
Or to operate from fear and fall into the great trap?
This would be entirely your choice...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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