Today's article will be a continuation of last week's article "The Anunnaki and the Ancient History of Man".

In order to repair the atmosphere of their home planet Niburu, the Anunnaki came to the planet Earth, which had broken away from Tiamat, and began to mine gold. Thus the future of the human race would begin to take shape.

Anunnakis in Turkish means "Gods descending from the sky". So, who are they?

(1 year of the planet Niburu is called "1 SHAR" and corresponds to 3,600 years in Earth time. That is the time it takes the planet Niburu to revolve around the sun and it has an elliptical orbit. Since then, it is said that once every 3,600 years it approaches the planet earth and changes the fate of the world).

Anu, the king of Niburu, sent his son Enki (EA in Niburu) to earth with a group of 50 people to find the gold they were looking for, hence the name Anunnaki (the 50 who descended from the sky). First, they searched for gold in the rivers and waters of Mesopotamia, found it and sent it. But the gold sent was not enough to repair the Niburu atmosphere. Then Enki's half-brother Enlil also came to Earth, and while Enlil took the rule of the region called Edin, they gave his brother Enki the rule of Africa, which they called ABZU, from Niburu.

The Anunnaki workers, who worked day and night, began to get tired and to revolt, and moreover, new ones were coming from Niburu frequently and in groups, and the ones on Earth were being sent back.

After a while, Ningishzidda, the son of his sisters Ninmah and Enki, was born. (Ningishzidda is known in Sumer as THOT, "the master of exact sciences and divine secrets". He wrote the "BOOK OF LOST SECRETS" which still has not been revealed and is believed to be cursed by many people).

Enki (also known as Ptah) set up a laboratory in his Abzu region, which he called the "House of Life", and secretly tried to create a new class of hybrid labor slaves by mating primitive beings living in Africa with each other, stuffing all these strange creatures, half of one kind and half of another kind, into cages.

When he explained his ideas to Enlil and the others, they all agreed, except Enlil, because a slave class was needed, gold had to be mined.

Even though Enlil explained that this was against the divine system and rules and that he was against slavery, it was not effective because their father Anu had already approved of this situation.

After dozens of failed attempts, they gave birth to the first slave. Because they were not successful in the beginning for many reasons and after the birth that resulted in Ninmah using her own body, 7 volunteer female Anunnaki women voluntarily became surrogate mothers. Then they created a new slave race by mating the born beings among themselves.

After a while, the wars between the lineages of ENKI AND ENLIL began and the tension escalated, forming the basis for the wars of darkness and light that continue to this day.

This is one of the two versions of the story of man and human DNA that Zecharia Sitchin tells. He is an American Jew who is doing a Sumereological translation based on the Torah, which leads all the way back to the Torah. His intentions here are really questionable, because it is widely reported that he is not a Sumerologist...

The other one is the situation where a person with 12 spirals is reduced to 2 spirals and his memory is erased, and this is how MUAZZEZ İLMİYE ÇIĞ interprets it.

This is where the people living in Mu and Atlantis at the time of the fifty who landed on earth come into play...

The people of Mu and Atlantis had 12 DNA and because the reptilian races living on earth at that time were not stronger than humans, they retreated underground to Shambala. After sowing mischief among humans and turning them against each other, they watched Mu and Atlantis fight each other.

Mu sank first. The people from here came to the whole Earth and Atlantis before it sank.

Then Atlantis sank, and before it sank, some holy priests and people came to Egypt and founded ancient Egypt and the pyramids.

It was such a powerful destruction that the power of the crystals at that time was stronger than today's nuclear bombs. For many years people with 12 DNA hid in the LEMURIAN caves built by the Elves a long time ago.

The human race has dwindled as the wars between the Reptilians in Shambala and the people who serve them, the so-called "Masters of Darkness", and the Atlanteans in Agarta continue underground.

The Anunnaki, who had finished off the Reptilians on Tiamat, were sent by the Thuban race to kill humans on Earth, even at the cost of the extinction of their own kind on Earth.

Thuban ırkı, evrendeki en güçlü ırktır ve iyi taraf olan Galaktik Federasyon’a ya da kutsal 6’lı denen kötü tarafa da bağlı değildir.

Thubanlıların isteği ile Anunnakiler insan DNA’sını 12’den 2’ye indirenlerdir. Yani ENKİ tarafından yapıldı bütün bunlar…

Agarta’da saklanan ya da başka yerlere göçen 12 DNA’lı insanlar da hafızası silinen kendi insan ırkları tarafından cadı ya da büyücü diye öldürüldüler.

Bir gün matrixden sıyrılıp, simülasyondan çıkınca bizi nasıl bilinçaltımızla sıkıştırıp, bizi bizimle kontrol altında tuttuklarını ve hapsettiklerini anlamış olacağız…

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

uyanış aydınlanma mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes mukaddes mukaddes ruhsal rehber kolektif bilinç farkındalık hazartandoğan hakanyedican hakanyılmazçebi abdullahcanıtez bülentgardiyanoğlu ozanpartal sevildeniz cananbekdik cenksabuncuoğlu Bülent Gardiyanoğlu Çağrı Dörter Deniz Egece Zehirli Mikrofon Halil Ata Bıçakçı Erhan Kolbaşı Hasan Hüsnü Eren Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir Anette Inserberg Hakan Yedican Ferhat Atik Mustafa Kurnaz Kubilay Aktaş Hazar Tandoğan Alişan Kapaklıkaya Canten Kaya Şanal Günseli Haluk Özdil Binnur Duman Tuna Tüner Eray Hacıosmanoğlu Serpil Ciritci İlhan Berat Yılmam Teoman Karadağ Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu Abdullah Çiftçi Abdullah Canıtez Lemurya MU