Living in Atlantis, humanity had 12 strands of DNA. They had a very different genetic make-up from today's humans, and they had incredible technology.

They stored huge quartz crystals on the continent and used their mysterious ability. They used the crystals to illuminate houses and cities, to heal people in healing rooms, to rejuvenate and stay young in rejuvenation rooms, to heal criminals and mentally ill people in crystal rooms.

These crystals pulsed with a powerful energy and these crystals had their own sound and color (everything you see has its own sound and color, because everything is light).

The initiated priests would take the criminals to the cave of these crystals, sit them in front of the appropriate crystal, hit the crystal with a stick, and leave them there alone until the negative thought energies of the criminal turned into positive ones with the sound and color harmony provided by releasing the electromagnetic energy of the crystal.

With this technology they had very long lives and lived with ease. They used crystal mirrors to improve their vision and intuition. Not to mention their ability to use the 12 DNA strands to their best advantage.

Crystals and water have the same common qualities, sounds and notes with humanity. All universes are made of liquid water and crystals, just like man. Man is also made of water and crystals. The proton and electron inside the atom are stable and immortal, never annihilated. The structure of crystals and the structure of water are the same, infinitely stable. So the microcosm within you is the projection of the macrocosm, so you have to look within and deepen within. So within you is all the wisdom of existence and infinite knowledge...

To return to our subject; they lived happily in Atlantis until Ahrimanic forces called the Sons of Belial (Sons of Satan) appeared.

In the beginning, the Sons of Belial started to produce synthetic crystals with GOOD INTENTIONS(!). They were supposed to use them for the benefit of humanity. Soon, however, they taught the Atlanteans to compete among themselves, pitting men and women against each other. They took the people under their influence to their side and divided the society into pieces. They taught their followers all the abilities of vision, telepathy and intuition that the priests did not abuse. They used huge synthetic crystals to create power stations and laser technology. They built airships, submarines, marvelous machines that could move with huge crystal generators. They trapped radio-active energies from the solar system deep within the earth and began to create earthquakes wherever they wished, destroying their enemies and temples.

They could not master nature and after a while the earth's crust cracked and the so-called "Great Flood", Noah's flood, happened.

Now, does this sound familiar to you? Yes... Very familiar...

Of course, the lineage of the Belialites is not over. Today, Lucifer's children are at the same chess table, with 200 supporters, and have set up the biggest game against 8 billion human beings. They are playing well, or maybe not, they are making every move on their own because 8 billion people are sleeping soundly. All the epidemics that have happened in the world so far are calculated and their work. All economic depressions are their work. Now the chip money will come. Read the big picture well! This time we had to succeed! This time we had to break their game!

What is Elon Mask doing sending hundreds of missiles and satellites into the atmosphere? He's spending trillions of dollars for us. Where did he get the money? Did he ask us?

Bill Gates is going to wear sunglasses. He wants to drop trillions of tons of chalk dust into the atmosphere to lower the planet's temperature by half a degree. Who did he ask? Who gave him permission? What does chalk dust do to the lungs? Is it right to interfere so much with nature? What is its real purpose?

The virus was portrayed in dozens of TV series and movies years ago. Perception management was done. Hundreds of viruses have been patented and vaccines have already been found. Many birds with one stone. Sell vaccines, make billions of dollars, and GOVERN and ENSLAVE the nation with chips. Lie down, lie down, get up, get up, get bored, one day a frequency, kill those who are useless to you...

After 5G is everywhere, after we chip it with vaccines, is there a need to build base stations for 6G? Every human will be a base station anyway...

And what will happen to those who are not vaccinated? First they will say you can't take trains, buses, planes, and then they will declare unvaccinated people as terrorists. People will offend and rat on people. Oh great!

Of course our 200 benevolent and charitable brothers and sisters deserve to spend the rest of their time from their art and performances resting in their satanic rituals.

I would tell you to go online, but it would be deleted immediately, all social media and media belong to these benevolent brothers. Watch pedophilia videos, research what they do to kidnapped children. Don't read the first 50 pages on the internet, go further back if you can, because the information that is out there is only what they allow.

And watch the whole "black mirror" series on Netflix to see what else they will do soon...

I apologize in advance for this article. I am not a pessimistic person, you know, but I wrote it for those who do not know what is going on. Let us know our opponent so that we can build our own strategy, develop our own technology, and get the vaccines that our own doctors have found. I say once again what I have always said: If we can understand our brotherhood and unity without discrimination of religion, language, race, geography; the game will be broken....

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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