Each planet and star has a mineral, a smell and a color, and they are all connected to each other by energetic bonds. They all have notes, or sounds, that cannot be heard with the human ear. For example, in archaic civilizations, the sound of the sun was considered sacred and was thought to be heard with the ear of the heart.

However, the harmony and communication of the human consciousness with the planets and stars is always there, against our will.

The 7 chakras are like a reflection of the 7 planets. In other words, the macrocosmos is reflected in human chakras as microcosmos. Thus, the universal energies in the solar system are also present in us.

Again, each acupuncture point and each meridian in the body is associated with a different star and our potentials. Anyway, astrology is a flowing river, it is difficult to get in and difficult to get out. If only we could all know and receive the messages, right?

So, how can we use astrology? You don't necessarily have to be an astrologer. I think it is enough to know some facilitating details that apply to everyone. For example, knowing the relationship between the days, planets, sounds, colors and zodiac signs, even partially, will make life more efficient and easier. Before starting a new job, before starting any business, I think it would be good to know on which day you start, the planetary energy or the energy of that day will support you and bring abundance and ease to your work. I have summarized it for you one by one, one by one, so that it will remain in your archives. These are just a summary and at least knowing the color of each day, carrying objects of that color, dressing or eating in the color of the day will increase your energy. Doing things and using fragrances in accordance with the mineral of the day is the same way...

Zodiac sign Leo
Planet Sun
Mine Gold
Odor Senderus
Color Yellow
Chakra Abdominal Chakra
Stone Citrine

The sun is the ego, the father is the life energy, the energy of greatness and power.
The abdominal chakra contains our ego and conditioning, and as it opens, our ego and conditioning begin to dominate our being.

It represents right, justice and honesty, religion and philosophy. It is good to use the colors and scents of this day, citrine jewelry and objects, consume yellow-colored foods such as lemons and bananas, and do abdominal chakra meditations.

Planet Moon
Zodiac sign Cancer
Metal Silver
Fragrance Logwood and mastic
Color: Pink and green
Chakra Heart Chakra
Stone: Pink Quartz, Aventurine, Green Calcite, Crystal Quartz.

The heart chakra is the moon. It is unconditional love.
The lunar day is suitable for being at home, being peaceful, resting, taking time for yourself. Since it is the first day of the week and we rush to our work, it goes against the meaning of the day; that's why we call it Monday syndrome.

Venus signifies softness, naivety, serenity, love, togetherness, conversation, communication and art.

As the heart chakra opens, the energy of pure love radiates out, healing all around us and the universe. Wear pink, use pink quartz objects and do heart chakra meditation.

Planet Mars
Zodiac sign Aries and Scorpio
Mineral Iron
Odor Kıst (buckthorn)
Color Red
Chakra Root Chakra
Stone: Hematite and garnet (garnet). It gives seriousness, endurance and tranquility.

Mars is physical strength, war, survival, sexuality. This planet and chakra express a strong connection to the earth and life. The stronger the root chakra, the stronger the connection to life. This is Mars day, associated with rudeness, toil, fury, treachery, fighting, defeat, success and fatigue. Use the stone and colors of the day to ease troubles and strengthen the root chakra.

Planet Mercury
Zodiac Signs: Gemini and Virgo
Mine Mercury
Color Light blue
Chakra Throat Chakra
Stone Chrysocolla

Mercury is expression. It allows you to relate to the creative energy of the world. If the throat chakra is not working well, it can lead to misunderstandings, as well as feeling under pressure and not being able to express oneself as one wishes. Problems with the thyroid may arise.

We experience a sense of unity with the universe, nature and people when this chakra is open. Blockage in this chakra leads to loneliness and pessimism. Today, let's wear light blue clothes and objects and chrysocolla jewelry and do throat chakra meditations.

It symbolizes intellect, art, friendship and order. This chakra supports our creativity in aesthetic, artistic, scientific and every field. Easy comprehension, creative solutions to problems in our lives and intelligence are managed from this chakra.

Planet Jupiter
Zodiac sign Sagittarius and Pisces
Mineral Tin
Fragrance: Oudwood and camphor
Color Dark blue (navy blue)
Chakra 3rd eye chakra
Stone Sodalite

It is related to our sensory world. If the 3rd eye chakra is blocked, then the person's perception closes, their illusions increase and they lose awareness.

Jupiter is associated with elegance, cleanliness, beauty, inner beauty and cleanliness, good-naturedness, modesty and refinement.

On Thursdays, dark blue clothes, sodalite objects should be preferred, dark blue mountain fruits should be consumed. The stone should be used and 3rd eye meditation should be practiced.

Planet Venus
Zodiac Signs Taurus and Libra
Mineral Copper
Color Orange
Chakra Sexual Chakra
Stone: Agate
It is also about whether we enjoy life despite everything.

It expresses the flow of life together with sexuality. It is the chakra that enables the flow or blockage of events in our lives. It is in the groin area.

When the sexual chakra encounters blockage energy; Your abilities begin to disappear. The person constantly blames himself, others.

Today, let's eat a lot of orange colors, oranges, citrus fruits, carrots and use orange objects and agate jewelry. Let's do sacral chakra meditation.

Planet Saturn
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
Mineral Lead
Color Purple
Chakra Hill Chakra
Stone Amethyst

Saturn day is a day to confront yourself and your emotions, your ego. It is favorable for spiritual and mystical matters, for spiritual evolution. Saturdays are not a good day for starting a new business, for buying and selling, for government affairs.

The opening of the crown chakra allows us to integrate the energy centers within ourselves and to integrate strongly with cosmic energy. This integration takes the person beyond consciousness.

Today let's dress in purple, use purple objects and amethyst jewelry, and do a crown chakra meditation.

Imagine you are in your favorite place. In a deep forest, by a lake or by the sea. Sit cross-legged on the lush green grass or on the warm sand. Close your eyes and never open them. Until it is over. Take 3-4 deep breaths. Feel where you are. Feel the warm wind on your face, in your hair, the smell of moss or grass in your nose, the sound of birds or waves in your ears... Wherever you are... In your favorite place...

Imagine a warm red cloud rolling in from the sea or a green meadow, swirling like a round ball in your root chakra and warming you from the inside. Let yourself go with the flow. Listen to the sounds and take deep breaths as the red ball continues to spin.

Now imagine the red ball turning orange and spinning like an orange ball in your sexual chakra as it slowly makes its way up to your groin. Enjoy the fresh air and the scent.

Imagine the ball going up higher and turning yellow in the stomach chakra, green in the heart chakra, blue in the throat chakra, dark blue in the 3rd eye chakra and purple in the crown chakra. Now feel the purple light slowly turning white in your crown chakra, merging with the divine light coming from the divine, from the creator, flowing through all your chakras, flowing from the root chakra to the earth, and take it from the crown and pour it into the earth... Take it from the crown and pour it into the earth... Stay here as long as you want. Be grounded... Be grounded... Be one with everything...

Connect and resonate from your crown chakra to the divine dimension and from your root chakra to the earth. Intend this resonance to be fixed here with every breath you take. Let this resonance vibrate in all your cells as you live... Forever...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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