"Thank you, coronavirus, for shaking us up! For showing us and making us think that we are connected to something bigger! Thank you for teaching us to be grateful for a life of abundance, health, freedom and luxury! Thank you for making us realize that we are blessed with all this! Thank you for stopping us! For showing us how we get lost in a busy schedule where we don't even have time for the simplest things! For teaching us to throw away all the simple problems that we think are so important! For showing us what is really important! Thank you for stopping all the transfers, all the traveling! The planet started begging us for all this pollution for a long, long, long time. We didn't listen to it! Thank you for all these fears! Stress has been a global disease for years, but most of us didn't want to face it. Now we are facing it. And we are learning how to embrace it with love and how to support people with stress. Thank you for teaching us to rethink our lives! Thank you! That we finally understand what it means to be connected to each other! Thank you for this great reunion between us! We knew the world had to change! Thank you for helping us by shaking everything up, for giving us the chance to build a world! To build the world from scratch! THIS VIRUS IS PART OF US. It is among us. It is in us. It connects us, either physically or energetically! Gratitude not only supports the immune system, but also allows us to see things from many angles. Which angle we choose is up to us, but the best thing is to be aware of all of them...

And now


I translated for you a video sent by my dear friend from Italy. Thank God, an awakening has begun all over the planet. Thank God that nothing is as it seems...

"A new world begins with new realizations created by new circumstances", right?

Yes! This is a cosmic leap. The world is waking up to new beginnings. This is a cosmic door that opened on 20/02/2020. Anyone who is attuned to ascension with strong vibrations will be able to enter through this door... Universality and the unity and wholeness of universality... The world needed this cosmic leap. Humanity had gone astray. The planet was screaming for help. Animals were being killed by us or left to die. We didn't even cry over the bodies of children washed up on the shore, we didn't even look at the people killed at the border. We were deaf to the cries of naïve souls who, ashamed of hunger, killed themselves with cyanide in their homes and wrote "caution, there is cyanide!" on the door. We were blind to the hundreds of thousands who were driven from their homes and countries and perished on the roads. We did not see or hear the vultures waiting over tens of thousands dying of starvation in Africa, waiting for them to die. We burned the Amazon forests for pleasure, we burned the whole of Australia to ashes, we retaliated...

Greenhouse gases, burning oil wells, nuclear power plants... Anyway...

We were heading for the final turn! We had failed as humanity! We had lost as humanity!

That's why thank you, coronavirus! You gave us the chance to be human once again!

Look, an article like this has been circulating on social media recently: "China decorated the parcels of medical masks it sent to Italy with a poem from the philosopher Seneca: "We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden."

Japan, on the other hand, colored the parcels it sent to China with a Buddhist poem: "Though we have different mountains and rivers, we all share the same sun, moon and sky."

Whether this is a hoax or the truth, I think that someone finally wrote it, wrote it and wished it to be so.

Cuban doctors flooded into Italy to help. The Valencian police are singing folk songs in the streets to cheer the people who cannot leave their homes. Spaniards sing songs to the Italians who can't leave their country and stay in quarantine, from the windows of their houses...

Famous stars broadcast live from their balconies to the residents of their neighborhoods... Fortunately, the awakening has started with Corona. One era ended and another began. In just a short time, all perceptions have changed, the planet has changed.

Let us now intend for new realizations; let us now intend for compassion, mercy, unity and solidarity, cooperation. It is the beginning of a time when empathy should replace egoistic feelings, tolerance should replace jealousy and competition. It is time to protect and care for the elderly and the sick. Instead of selfishness, it is time not to hoard so that others can have enough, but to know them as your own! It is time to replace fear with love so that the mass fear energy frequency can end immediately!

Time to tune the vibrations of the heart to love!

Let's start a great movement of kindness together! Let no one be in trouble, in difficulty, on the road anymore! Let's touch the heart of every created life! Let's help each other! Let us pray! Let us learn to love the planet and everything on it! Let us anchor love and humanity at the heart level...

Because for the coronavirus, there is no difference in color, language, religion, culture, race!

Come on, stop being afraid now and be grateful! GET OUT OF THE FREQUENCY OF FEAR AND PLACE LOVE IN YOUR HEART...


Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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