Life is three days,

Yesterday has come and gone, tomorrow is unknown,

Then life is only one day, and that is this day.

(Can Yücel)

Our understanding of time on this planet, in this reality, is linear. That is, in order to go to a point E in time, one has to pass through times A, B, C and D respectively. In short, the concept of time belongs here and is an illusion. In the real universe, time is "now" and everything is happening right now. In other words, as described in quantum, there is no past and no future, there is only one time. The Middle Ages are in the present, the Stone Age, even in 2150.

I know it's a bit complicated. It's a bit crazy. But the truth is the truth, crazy doesn't change the truth. For those who once thought the world was flat like a tray, it was equally crazy to hear that it was round...

Well, let's elaborate a little bit more on this subject of time; as soon as you remember bad memories from the past and feel sad and upset, it means that you are connected to that moment and you are directly connected to that energy. So this is a behavior that is far from awareness and unenlightened. It serves us to feel anger, resentment, hatred, and to connect to the energy of victimhood and betrayal. Even attaching to good memories from the past is questionable, except when we use them to raise our energy and frequency when we are in a low mood. Only then, intentionally or unintentionally, this beautiful connection can be good for balancing us.

So what I really want to say is that time is not linear as we think it is, it is deep and multidimensional. Since we only stand at a point on the wheel of life and time, that is, we live at a point on the outermost periphery of a circle of time, we perceive the past and the future as a linear line where the point is. What if this is just an illusion? What if we were somewhere in the center of the circle, do you think we would witness a multidimensional time? Would we be able to see the past and the future at the same time? What if the past and the future are happening at the same time, if this is true? If there was a time machine, could we travel to the past and the future?

In short, while we are in the illusion of past and future in "linear time", the universe exists in multidimensional time, in the "now", in the moment. Therefore, all possibilities exist in the present.

Today there is a lot of talk about the world of possibilities. So, in fact, every possibility from the possibility of you becoming the president of the United States, to the possibility of you becoming the most famous pop star in the world, or the possibility of you living as a homeless person in a park, can exist in this pool of time and world reality. Since we have the right of "free choice" and the divine dimension does not interfere with our choices, we choose what we want. We actually choose wherever we look in the pool of possibilities. In short, the basketball is everywhere, but you can only pick it up where you look. I would like you to watch the cartoon "Dr. Quantum Double Slit Experiment" and other series, it will help you a lot to understand these things.

Anyway, back to the subject; as I have mentioned in many other articles, the human energy and the energy of the planet are in direct connection with each other. And after the magnetic field started to change, the resonance of the planet increased from 7.8 hertz to 12. So a day that is 24 hours on a clock is 16 hours in the quantum. We start and end the day. We start and finish the week, but we never finish anything. I think those who are middle-aged and above understand this very well, don't they? Time flows very fast, you realize that now, don't you?

Dallying with the past and the future is irrelevant and pointless now. Let's not waste any more time in an already twisted and shrunken time!

Everything in the past is an illusion created by the brain's memory, and thinking about the future is a vision of the brain's ability to create probabilities. So there is neither past nor future. Don't occupy your mind with illusions that are neither past nor future. Don't let your mind drift into the past and the future. You exist only in the present moment and be aware of the present moment; yourself, everything around you, everybody. Right down to every detail. Where you are sitting, the clothes you are wearing, your fingers, your breath, the tips of your toes. Notice your stomach. Is it good? What does it want to eat? How is its digestion? Does it want something from you? Does it want to tell you something? Look at the patterns of the carpet on the floor. Look at the furniture in the room. Wow! You've never looked before, have you? You've never examined the painting on the wall in such detail, have you? It's been there for the last 10 years.

Take a look at everything you can touch, smell, hear and see right now. Everything in the room you are in. Are you comfortable where you are sitting? Are there any smells or sounds that bother you? Yes! You are in the present moment! There is no past and there is no future! And the future will be structured by the thoughts you create in this moment.

Past events happened in the present of that moment. Future events will also take place in the present of that moment. There is only one moment in our reality. And that is "now"...

Do this at least 3-5 times every day, concentrate on your environment and your 5 senses and try to be in the moment, in the now. Do this more and more often over time and each time you will feel your perceptions refine. Being in the moment and in the now will enable you to perceive "windows of opportunity" and will increase your successes. Your successes will bring fulfillment and peace. This saturation will result in self-realization. As you realize yourself, you will be in the moment and in the now. In short, this cycle will go on and on...

So, let's end with a quote from John Kabat-Zinn: Give yourself permission to be exactly who you are and accept the present moment exactly as it is - it will make you feel good!

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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