Nowhere in the world is different from here and where I am sitting right now as I write this. When I look up, wherever I may or may not go, I will find the same heavens, sun, moon, stars. I will dream the same dreams and wake up from the same sleep. Why should I consider myself more fortunate or unhappy than people?

If I am flesh and blood or a spiritual body that never changes, whether in solitude or in the company of others, do I not come from the same source as you? Am I not of the same value? I am not superior to you, nor are you superior to me. If I were a grass, or a grape, or maybe a horse, then I guess we wouldn't be the same...

Because stones and minerals are first dimensional beings, plants and seaweeds are second dimensional beings, animals and humans are third dimensional beings. So they were all created by the same divine system and they are all located on this planet. And in this period we are in, the transition to the fourth dimension is beginning and human beings are preparing to harmonize with this dimension. Since the magnetic energy of the planet is changing, we need to prepare for this dimension whether we want to or not, which means... We have to learn to be human like human beings. Even nothingness; otherwise we will not learn to be human, nor will we learn to be ourselves...

What Martin Heidegger says: Being, ... carries its own sovereign thrownness... Being means this: To be thrown into nothing... Without the radical unfolding of nothing, there is no being oneself, no freedom...

Whatever it is. What makes us different from each other is something else. Virtue, for example. Our feelings of compassion, loyalty, fidelity or justice. Not even our cultures. You may cook beans differently and eat them with your fingers, I may cook them differently. You may listen to jazz, I may listen to saz. You may have been born in a castle on the Atlantic coast, I may have been born in a cave. As human beings, you cannot be more valuable or inferior to me.

We are very much the same, and we all, as soon as we start making money, as soon as we start licking a little ink, we want to rule the world. To change the world! To rule! Hey, man! Change yourself first! Make yourself a man! Learn to be human! Then teach people!

The deeper you go, the more you'll realize you're nothing. The more you learn, the more you realize you know nothing. The more he knows himself, the more he sees that he is nothing. Know that the more someone boasts of himself, the lower he is...

The nobility of man comes not from birth but from virtue, in short...

Moreover, none of us is free. Are we not slaves to money, possessions, property, a woman, a man, a servant to a habit, a slave to an addiction? Are we not slaves of television, media, fashion?

Also, anyone who wants to be free must neither want what others have, nor run away from it. To be content with only what you have is the greatest freedom.

Each one of us, far from realizing this bondage, this catastrophe into which we have fallen, like deer trying to escape from the spirals of a gigantic spider web, we are sinking and sinking. So it doesn't really matter where we are or what city we live in, as long as we are asleep.

If we are awake, it is already paradise everywhere. If we are free, if our essence is lush, our intelligence is already clear. Meaning is also clear. Existence is also...

A poem by Thomas Elliot came to my mind, an old friend of mine used to recite it: "My path is clear, the meaning is clear now. There will be no such temptation ever again; the greatest betrayal is in this last temptation, in doing right for the wrong reason..."

The soul is fulfilled when the I and mine are on the same side, when the meaning is clear. The souls of those who have ambition, who are greedy and materialistic, cannot be satisfied. They drift and perish in every way. They fall with every deprivation and loss, with every lost material and human being.

Epictetus likens the soul to a pool full of water. Its wings are the light that illuminates this pool. As the water of the pool fluctuates, it is thought that the light also fluctuates. But the light is as it is. It is the same with human beings. When the meaning is blurred and the mind is confused, the reality is not blurred and confused. When the mind calms down and the meaning becomes clear, everything will be fine and the soul will find peace.

I wish you realizations where the meaning becomes clear, the mind becomes clear and touches the vast waters, and your soul finds peace...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

uyanış aydınlanma mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes pekin başdil mukaddes pekin mukaddes başdil mukaddes mukaddes mukaddes ruhsal rehber kolektif bilinç farkındalık hazartandoğan hakanyedican hakanyılmazçebi abdullahcanıtez bülentgardiyanoğlu ozanpartal sevildeniz cananbekdik cenksabuncuoğlu Bülent Gardiyanoğlu Çağrı Dörter Deniz Egece Zehirli Mikrofon Halil Ata Bıçakçı Erhan Kolbaşı Hasan Hüsnü Eren Prof. Dr. Gazi Özdemir Anette Inserberg Hakan Yedican Ferhat Atik Mustafa Kurnaz Kubilay Aktaş Hazar Tandoğan Alişan Kapaklıkaya Canten Kaya Şanal Günseli Haluk Özdil Binnur Duman Tuna Tüner Eray Hacıosmanoğlu Serpil Ciritci İlhan Berat Yılmam Teoman Karadağ Dr. Ramazan Kurtoğlu Abdullah Çiftçi Abdullah Canıtez Lemurya MU