Lately, in a place without a path... In the middle of life, I find myself wandering here and there like a traveler without a map...

Like my life in the middle of winter among the rolling, high plateaus; my mind is busy with the raging waves beating the steep rocks, lying as if they have no intention of ending...

My thoughts hanging in time, lost in the landscapes of the not-so-lovely past! "Time is the water of the River Lethe," they say. Foreign air can be drunk like it. Space, like time, brings forgetfulness, and it does so by detaching a man from all his relations and leaving him free and able to return to his original state.

Confused soul! Blurred mind! It is like looking for a familiar smell in the freezing cold of the steppe covered with thick snow; there is nothing but the smell of fresh snow and rotten grass. It seems that it is not even easy to trace the traces of experiences under this thick ice. There is almost no simple or even ordinary memory, so that it is almost impossible to search for the lost soul in a turbulent or tragic life beyond the limits of banality. Moreover, when the zigzags and wanderings of the soul are so bumpy; let go of the rope and let the soul get lost in this complex labyrinth of life! Just like Ariadne's thread! One feels like saying!

(If you want to know about Ariadne's thread in Freudian terms, Google it).

The thick ice layer of our minds, the bottomless labyrinths! The result; lost souls!

Either what we were looking for never existed or we wanted impossible things. Sometimes life seems to treat us more cruelly than it treats others. Misfortune strikes one after the other and life shows its ugliest side to us.

Why is that?
Actually there is only one reason...
Because we've grown up!

Because we're big people now! Aren't we? How much our souls and backs have been bent and crushed under heavy burdens in the reality of this life! O grown beings! The above mood is not foreign to any of you, is it?! Yes, this mood is the same in most of you, or is it not the same at times? How quickly have we grown up and forgotten the little child in us?

We grew up and erased all childish things from our being, darkened our minds that started thinking like adults. But the child part of us has never disappeared, it has always been with us! And that child is still a big part of our potential to become a full human being; somewhere deep inside us it is waiting for us to embrace it, make peace with it and bring it out.

If you look carefully into the eyes of babies, you can see the wisdom and depth in their eyes. They are still on the other side of the veil and they remember everything. They have not yet gotten over the shock of being born here, but they look at everything from a loving and innocent point of view.

They are always innocent, loving, sincere, sincere, genuine, natural, real, carefree, carefree and honest until the end of childhood, until they are 6 or 7 years old. Reason and intelligence have not yet fully come into play. They are sure that they are loved with complete affection and they know that they are safe because the family provides everything they need.

From the age of 6-7 we begin to forget who we are and start to take our life lessons and tests. We lose touch with our soul and our higher self. The disconnection from our higher self and our soul is a disconnection from our true home where we are sure we are loved like our mother and where we carry only a part of ourselves. The stressful life starts here and now and we instantly forget our inner child. But no matter what happens in our lives, it is always possible to find that peaceful place inside us. That place that is strong, that place that is loving, that place that knows there is nothing to fear, that place that makes sure we are safe, that place where our higher self is! If you learn to listen to the voice of your higher self, if you can leave the cruel, judgmental, critical voices outside and instead hear the messages of love coming from home, happiness and peace will fly in. A mouthful!

Yet most people are not ready for this. Some of you are afraid of your inner speech, others bury this child deep inside. Your inner child is a real child and like all children, it reacts to your reaction in the same way; if you give love, it gives love; if you give anger, it gives anger; if you give indifference, it gives indifference and shuts down.

All this chatter and negative voices in our minds not only demoralizes us but also takes away our power. As we lose our inner power, the outer power takes over, fears become dominant and we start controlling our environment and we become more and more lost.

Or we take on the role of helpless and victim and become dependent on others. Whereas if you hear the voice of the higher self, you hear that no matter what happens you are safe, you are loved and you can overcome anything and everything that happens is good for you. If you can hear the voice of the higher self in the noise of all the negative messages.

So that place where the inner child is still waiting for us, that place where the higher self is! The more we are in touch with our higher self or in other words with our inner child, the happier we are and the more we are filled with joy, peace and enthusiasm and that's how we live...


Watch childlike people. You will see how they are full of love and joy. Don't take life too seriously! It's nothing very serious! It's just a dream! Stop pretending to be an adult! Be a child! Be happy with everything and laugh and have fun. Spend time with fun people, stay away from energy vampires, people who destroy your energy and drag you down! Be with people like you, children play with children! Childize yourself! Let them call you crazy! There is no other way to bring out the child in you! When you achieve this, your energy will not match with those who are too serious and they will gradually go away on their own; "birds of a feather flock together" says Maharishi...

And watch the children! Spend time with them! Watch their innocence and their sense of trust! See that the natural state of a child is to "play" and play too! As you play you will have fun and as you have fun you will touch the part of you that you lost in your childhood...

Start playing now! Hurry up! The 6 year old in you that never grows up... He misses you so much!

Every morning before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up, before you get out of bed, take 3 deep breaths. Close your eyes and hug him, that 6 year old. The 6 year old you lost, your own childhood! And say: LITTLE CHILD! I MISS YOU TOO! I AM SORRY TO YOU! I HAVE NEGLECTED YOU SO MUCH, BUT I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO AGAIN! LITTLE CHILD! I LOVE YOU...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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