There was a man living in Alabama who was as rich as Karun. He lived in peace and happiness in a magnificent house with all his loved ones. He had such a luxurious and extraordinary life that people could not even see in their dreams. Cars, factories, chauffeurs, summer and winter houses, a life as rich as you can imagine.

But he had a very busy and stressful life and he was not even aware of these riches. He spent almost most of the day working and running here and there. He was always tense and nervous. As soon as he got out of bed, he would shave and run out of the house. He had no time to rest, no time to rest himself.

One day he started vomiting everything he ate, nothing he ate would stay in his stomach. He went to the most famous doctors in America. They all seemed to be unanimous: His disease had already progressed, he had stomach cancer, which had metastasized to many of his organs.

This was the turning point of the famous businessman's life. He had already stopped eating and drinking, he was throwing up everything he ate, and on top of that, he couldn't sleep because he was so upset. Within three months he had become very thin and emaciated.

His doctors told him not to worry, to go on a strict diet, not to eat, not to stress and to quit his job...

There was nothing left for him to do. At this point he made a very important decision. "If he was going to die, he was going to spend the rest of his time doing what he had always dreamed of but had never been able to do: traveling the world."

Despite all the insistence of the doctors, he prepared his will and bought his ticket.

Before he set sail, he made a deal with the cruise line. If he died during the voyage, they would put him in the coffin he had brought with him on the ship and bring him back to his country in a freezer and hand him over to his family. Because he wanted to be buried in the family cemetery.

Finally, his dream journey began. He had nothing to lose now. He did all the forbidden things. He ate and drank like crazy. Even the most unhealthy things. He drank wine, smoked cigarettes, played games and danced until midnight, met new people and devoured all the spicy and local food on the islands they visited. He had never been so happy, never had so much fun in his life. Moreover, he was neither vomiting nor feeling any pain in his stomach or anywhere in his body.

He had almost forgotten that he was sick and everything that was going on. Even he himself didn't know he was having so much fun...

After 3 months he returned to his country. He immediately had the undertaker return the coffin he had bought the day he boarded the ship.

He went to Alabama and asked his doctors to take a look at him, just out of curiosity. Because even he knew that he was completely cured and that there was nothing left. And now he was going to start a new life, with no sadness, no stress, no peace.

As I was preparing to write this last article of 2019, as is customary, I wanted to give you, my dear readers, a New Year's gift. As I was brooding, I saw a book on the dusty shelves of my library that I had not touched for the last 20 years. I pulled it out and while flipping through it, I came across the real life story above... OK! I said, I found it! I thought I would present a method I had forgotten for years from dear Dale Carnegie to you, my dear ones...

Here it is! Happy New Year and may you make this your rule of life!

Here is a wonderful prescription and 3 talismanic ways to deal with sadness, as described by Dale Carnegie in his book "Let go of sadness, live life" and found and used by Wills Carrier:

1) Ask yourself: What is the worst possible and probable outcome in this situation I am in?

Am I going to go to jail? Am I going to be executed? Am I going to be fired from my job? Am I going to lose all my money? Am I going to lose my house? Am I going to lose my fame, fortune or reputation? What will people say?

2-) Be prepared to bear all these bad consequences if necessary and be ready to take and accept whatever happens to you.

It may not be very easy in reality to be ready to bear it and accept it. But realize that sadness is not going to pave the way for you and it is not going to help you at all and it is not going to solve your problems.

Believe me, when you are ready to bear this outcome, something very serious will happen somewhere inside you. You will feel relieved. Silence and lightness will suddenly come. You will even be able to understand and analyze the situation you are in...

3-) Now, in a quiet and calm way, start correcting and solving the situation!

Try to look for solutions here, try to see what you cannot see, try to understand what you cannot understand. Because if you continued to worry, you wouldn't be able to do anything and you wouldn't be able to gather all your thoughts in one place.

First follow your mind, if it is still scattered here and there, let it be scattered. Then, when the thoughts slow down, collect your mind. Take your decision-making power in your hands again. Since you are already prepared to endure the worst, you are now free of all your fears and delusions.

Now that our eyes, darkened by sadness, have come down from the clouds in which the darkness had been fluttering, our feet are firmly on the ground. Now that our feet are firmly on the ground, we can begin to think around and find solutions.

Professor William James said: "Bear with what happens... because... bearing with what happens is the first step towards averting the consequences of any catastrophe."

And the Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang: "True mental health comes from accepting the worst outcomes. From a spiritual point of view, this is a true source of strength."

In other words, when one accepts the worst outcome, one has nothing to lose and much to gain spontaneously.

My favorite Nietzche quote: "Don't spit against the wind!" Standing against the flow of nature not only exhausts us, but our own saliva sticks to our faces. It would be wiser to put nature behind us.

May 2020 be a year of acceptance for all of us, a new beginning where we learn to put nature behind us, and a year of peace and love for our country and our planet...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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