I love talking about the unity of opposites. Everything exists with its opposite; it is a perfect balance. When hate and love, beauty and ugliness, fear and peace, conflict and serenity are accepted for what they are, when the harmony of diversity and difference is blessed, this reality will become paradise.

Jesus' greatest teaching was based on "Love one another". From the Sumerian scriptures, to the Taoism of Lao Tzu, to the Buddhism of Sidharta Gautama, to the love of humanity in the teachings and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad, all had the same "essence". This essence lies in accepting all that is, has been and will be, and taking it as it is.

When the awareness comes to see the bigger picture and take a broader perspective, people will change themselves, change their environment and finally change the world. When cooperation replaces division and empathy replaces unconsciousness, all the planetary problems that exist today and will exist will be solved. One day all differences - cultural, economic, racial, religious and linguistic - will be taken for what they are and accepted, and the flavor of our diversity will be recognized, because it is all appropriate and as it should be.

Finally, one day, when we care for each other, when we start helping each other, we will learn our responsibilities. And of course we will learn to help every living being with love, patience, compassion and understanding.

"The wise person does not insist that things happen in a certain way, for he sees that the divisions and differences in creation are only temporary and that underlying them all is one ultimate truth. He takes things easy, because he knows that they all have a common end," says Master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

And one day, when we stop judging and labeling ourselves and everything, great change will begin. The greatest freedom is the consciousness that everything that happens is as it should be. Everything that happens is appropriate and perfect. Everything must have a reason and a purpose. As everything evolves towards perfection, there will be mistakes and errors so that lessons can be learned and learned well. When we fully remember our origin and essence, when loving acceptance and cooperation come fully into our world, then disagreements and separations will cease, really cease. I know that this is not a paradox, it is not a utopia.

On that day there will be no laws, no governments, no will to power, as selfishness and competition will disappear completely. Nobody will steal, nobody will kill, so there will be no need for laws. Then there will be no need for police, no need for guns, no need for governments.

No land will belong to any nation or country. All people will be able to travel freely all over the world. No one will be stopped entering another country because there will be no country, the whole planet will be our home and country.

Nobody will need alcohol, cigarettes, drugs to forget anything, because there will be laws. If everything was available to everyone, if everyone had as much food and drink as they wanted, would there be theft? If everyone had equal rights, if everyone had the same chances for housing, entertainment, education, sports and recreation, and if everyone respected each other equally, do you really think there would be a need for laws, governments, police?

I know I am telling and saying these things too soon, but the truth does not change! Reality is reality! Even if I don't say these things, they will happen! Even though few people know these things, it is only a matter of time before everyone understands. How do I know? We all know that children born after 2012 are different. By the end of 2030 we will be out of the photon belt transit tunnel we are in. In the meantime, the magnetic field around the planet has changed. So the vibration and energy of people has changed, is changing, will change. Everything will change; people, countries, governments and the whole planet. Everyone will have to adapt to this new beautiful and bright energy, eventually. The children after 2030 will be born with this new energy and they will change the old energies and of course they will not condemn and humiliate us; they will not criticize us for being so bad for thousands of years, for bringing the planet to the point of extinction and consuming it, for slaughtering and destroying each other. Because they... They will be born with love and compassion and mercy and understanding.

We should start preparing ourselves too. It's time for change. The battle of good and evil, the battle of darkness and light will soon be over. Opposites will merge, cancel and neutralize each other, leaving only light and good behind. Let this be known!

Recently, everyone heard about Greta Thunberg, a little girl from Sweden, who gave a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Action Summit in New York and made headlines with her critical and harsh view of Trump, and the whole world was shocked. In her impassioned speech, she confronted political leaders about their inadequacy on environmental issues: "I should not be here right now, I should be in my school across the ocean. You have stolen my dreams, my childhood, my hopes! Maybe I am luckier, but people are suffering! People are dying!"

Many world leaders and Trump mocked him; he was immediately labeled with a disease, like hyperactive children. But most of the children of the future will be born with awareness and they will change the world. They will solve planetary problems and erase even the name of war from the face of the earth. Nice, we could have done it too! I wish we could do it and see these heavenly days! But then who would profit? To whom would they sell their weapons? To whom would they sell their drugs? To whom would they sell the medicines they invented to cure the diseases they invented?

Anyway... Everything will change soon on this planet and the earth will be enlightened... Let's all believe in this and plant the seeds of faith now...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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