There were no cell phones back then, and we had to register at the post office and wait for hours to talk on the phone, so we usually preferred to exchange letters.

One day I dreamt that my mother was lying on a sick bed in blue pajamas in a huge hospital I had never heard of.

Somehow, I called my parents' house in Afyon from Izmir. My father answered the phone. I told him about the hospital, the inside, the outside, the room, the stairs, the pajamas my mother was wearing and how she told me "don't worry about me, I'm fine." My father told me that they had kept it a secret because they didn't want me to be upset, but that she was getting better now, that she had been in the hospital for three weeks and gave me the number of the hospital.

After waiting all day at the post office, I finally heard my mother's voice. The first thing I did when I realized she was okay was to have her describe her pajamas. They were the same ones I had seen, only she had changed them a little earlier...

Hundreds of times like this, I have seen exactly what will happen the next day, or in the future, in my dreams, with all the details...

Were they messages from my own wife to me? I mean, were they déjà vu, some of them instantaneous sensations, some of them realized over a long period of time?

Were they a warning from my cosmic copies living in alternate universes?

That we would have other copies in other universes is a matter of cosmology, not science fiction. And after the discovery of faster-than-light tachyons, this issue seems to have been clarified.

According to Stephen Hawking, even though we cannot see other universes, they affect us. He even explains how we can feel changes in our lives without any fears, dreams, ideas or aspirations.

Hawking claims that these feelings and the meaningless sensations that come to us are caused by our communication with us and our partners in other parallel universes.

According to the M-theory, or "string theory", the "theory of everything", which incorporates and unifies the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, there are many parallel universes and our twins, our spouses, who live there. Everything in the universe is made of vibration and subatomic particles can be found everywhere in the universe at the same time. Moreover, these particles can communicate telepathically.

With our three-dimensional thinking mind, we may not be able to perceive or notice the information or vibration next to us. In other words, with our body, which is 99.99% emptiness, are we only experiencing our awareness in the universe we think we live in? Because each parallel universe is part of a single whole, they are interconnected, they affect and are affected by each other.

The dream I had must have been something similar to this; so could our dreams be our parallel universes?

According to scientists, we have an average of 1,000 dreams a day, but we remember at most three of them. According to some theorists, we are in parallel universes while we sleep. So, are we in 1,000 parallel universes at the same time?

Aren't the things that happen to most of us at least a few times, which we call "déjà vu"; "I have experienced this moment before", "I have been here before", "I have seen this event in my dream", actually snapshots of parallel universes...

"In the movie "MATRIX", the cat on the ladder that Trinity and Neon saw was a case of déjà vu. Trinity remembered it and changed the matrix. This means that within the wheel of the main self, we move from one place to another without realizing it, and this is deja vu.

So then, if we had a time machine, would we be able to go back and forth to the past and the future?

If only... Then we could erase all the past suffering and wars and massacres. Wouldn't we? You are right... The world is still a bloodbath even today...

Anyway, back to the topic at hand...

So do our parallel twins live there the rights of the wrongs we do, or do we live there theirs?

Or when we make our choice, does our parallel twin choose what we don't choose in another personality?

Doesn't this show that while there are an infinite number of galaxies in the universe, not only do we live, but also an infinite number of beings?

Why should there be life only on earth when there are millions of galaxies?

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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