When the number of electrons and protons carried by a molecule is equal to each other, we call it neutral, when the number of electrons is one more than the number of protons, we call it a negatively charged ion, and vice versa, when the number of protons is more than the number of electrons, we call it a positively charged ion. This is the same for oxygen. If the number of electrons in oxygen is one more than the number of protons, it will be negatively charged and it is incredibly important and indispensable for health. The oxygen necessary for the body is oxygen with a negative ion charge.

So, to make it clear, a negative ion is an oxygen molecule in the environment that has taken electrons, and as these molecules lose electrons, they turn into positive ions, harmful ions. This is a bit difficult to understand, because there is a generalization that everything positive is beneficial. But here it's a little bit different. A negative ion is an ion saturated with electrons and it is the negative ion that is beneficial for human health.

In the highest mountains and densely forested areas, there are around 6000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. In cities, unfortunately, this drops to 2000, while in industrial cities and capitols it drops to 1000. So not only are we oxygen deprived, but we are forced to breathe inert and dead oxygen.

The brain needs quality oxygen, and oxygen with negative ions is very important for arteriosclerosis and serotonin secretion. Aside from the fact that the oxygen we breathe is neutral, we often breathe positive oxygen, which is the biggest cause of hypertension and cell aging. An example of this is cars oxidizing as they sit idle. However, people living in the high mountains stay much younger, age later and live longer than people living in industrial cities.

This is why breathing exercises are practiced; the deeper the breath, the more nourishing it is for the cells. But even exercises without breathing negative oxygen are meaningless and empty exercises.

The most valuable region in Turkey in terms of negative ions is the Kaz Mountains and the open seas. Sea coasts, places with plenty of wind, waves, waterfalls, rainfall and high mountains are more favorable and healthy in terms of negative oxygen. The reason why we feel more peaceful and comfortable there is because of the negative ions, the negative ions.

So, in order to recharge, to come into balance and to wash the cells with oxygen, we heal with soil, trees, forests, sea and water, which are charged with negative ions and have a vibration of 7.83 herz. And for the same reason, that is, because of the disturbance of the magnetic field, we feel dizziness, inner pressure, the desire to escape and restlessness in shopping malls.

Again, if you have a basic body, you are exposed to negatively charged oxygen through the water you drink and the air you breathe, and vice versa, if you have an acidic body, you are exposed to positively charged oxygen. And the more acidic the fluid in the body, the closer you are to all diseases, including cancer. It is urgently necessary to correct the water and the air and alkalize the cells. Drinking water should be alkaline and natural, that is, its PH should be more than 7.8. Every opportunity should be taken to go to high mountains, dense forests, seasides and do deep breathing exercises. It is the movement of water that produces negative ions. Waterfalls and all kinds of water coming out of the ground are alive, fresh and contain oxygen with negative ions. Water also comes alive and becomes negatively charged when it changes phases and passes into solid, liquid and gaseous states. For this reason, water thawed from ice has the same value as spring water and is equal to intracellular water. Negative ion generating devices can also be used at home, if you search you will find them.

Finally, I strongly recommend that you use lamps and accessories in your homes and workplaces that are made of rock salt, a natural source of negative ions. This way, thanks to these healthy ions, the positive ions in the indoor environment are partially reduced. In this way, since it also prevents substances such as dust and bacteria in the air from falling to the ground, those with respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and COPD can get some relief.

You should definitely go to the Ravne Tunnel and the Bosnian pyramids, which I have described in previous weeks, where the number of negative ions in the labyrinth is 18,500 cubic cm, a real healing point that cancer and asthma patients should definitely go to...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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