In 2015, Dr. Semir Osmanagic discovered 5 separate pyramids near the city of Visoko, 50 km from Sarajevo, in what is now called the "Bosnian Valley of Pyramids". The Sun, Moon and Dragon pyramids, which are very valuable in terms of the negative ions, magnetic field and bovis energy they carry, are 2200 meters apart and built in an equilateral triangle. The "Pyramid of Love" and the "Mother Earth" pyramids in the middle of this triangle are also built as an equilateral triangle with equal distances of one kilometer.

Although it would take a book to explain the characteristics and energy of triangles, prisms and pyramids, we find them in abundance in all ancient structures and archaic beliefs, and we can't figure out exactly why and for what purpose they are kept a secret. Beyond the spiritual and cosmic connection, these Visoko pyramids are very important in terms of human health and healing, especially the Sun pyramid (pyramid of the sun) has very similar features to the pyramids in Mexico. The Bosnian pyramid of the sun is the highest pyramid in the world at 270 meters high. It is a neat quadrangular pyramid built to the north, east, west and south and covered with blocks. The rays emanating from the top of the pyramid of the Sun match the cosmic north exactly, with an error of almost zero degrees. Just zero degrees and 12 seconds. The fact that it points clearly north with a one-second offset is strange and amazing in itself.

This magnetic beam is 7.83 hertz and it is transferred from the Solar Pyramid in both directions, both downward (deep into the earth) and upward (into the sky), in the direction of arrival and departure, faster than the speed of light, and it flows into the sky and earth. If these ultrasonic waves emanating from the top of the Solar Pyramid are going towards the sun, who knows, could it be that these pyramids are generating the energy not only of this planet but of the entire universe? Could this be a special place and storehouse of fuel for our planet and for the whole universe?

For example, I heard from Sabine and her friends from Australia that the solar pyramid is the womb of the whole universe and that the universe produces and gives birth to its energy here; that this pregnancy takes place in the winter months and the birth in the summer months. Nancy, who is the head of a group that often comes here from Croatia, showed us very interesting photographs taken with a special camera in the Ravne tunnel. Dancing angelic figures inside the tunnel, energy waves on people's bodies and shoulders, photographs of strange silhouettes on their own palms, images of sound waves. Some of the images had Arabic letters and the word "Allah" written in Arabic, and when we were surprised and asked him about it, he said "Arabic is the language of the universe". It was actually very interesting for someone who grew up in a Christian culture to say this...

During the summer months, just before sunset, the shadow of the solar pyramid overlaps the lunar pyramid and covers it millimeter by millimeter. The two pyramids clearly overlap. The pyramids are all covered with soil and vegetation, just like the other pyramids in Mexico, Guatemala and China.

According to the Federal Institute that studied these soil layers and radiocarbon tests, fossilized leaves between the 12,000-15,000-year-old soil blocks date back 29,000 years. This makes the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun the oldest pyramid in the world. Thousands of people all over the world flock to this pyramid to feel its energy and discover its spiritual properties.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon (190 meters), which is higher than the highest pyramid in Egypt, Cheops (147 meters), is shaped by sandstone and built with brick blocks and mud. According to carbon tests, the age of this pyramid goes back further than Sumerian, Babylonian and Egyptian history. The puddles and ponds under the pyramid are the same as those under the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Dragon.

Connecting all the pyramids of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids are long and gigantic tunnels and labyrinths. It is dangerous and forbidden to enter these labyrinths, of which only 1500 meters are currently open. There are dozens of rooms, meditation rooms, special areas with huge egg-shaped ceramic blocks with high bavis energy, tunnels that intersect and intertwine with each other with water ponds underneath. Although not all of them have been opened yet and only a few have been reached, it is already mysterious, mysterious and spiritual, and it is impossible to explain the healing side of these tunnels that attract people like magnets. The RAVNE underground labyrinth was discovered by Dr. Sem Osmanagic, the discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids, and its distance from the entrance to the Pyramid of the Sun is 2.5 km and its total length is estimated at 10 km. According to carbon tests, the first tunnel is 30,000 years old, while subsequent renovations and corrections are 5,000 years old.

In the labyrinth, zero radiation and cosmic energy networks, natural radioactivity or intense negative energy are associated with these underground waters. In these labyrinths, mobile phones do not work, wifi signals cannot be received and internet connections cannot be established. For this reason, it can be said to be the most secret location on the planet. Moreover, no negative entities or other dimensional beings can enter these prehistoric tunnels whose walls are reinforced with wood. It is said that negative ions keep them out.

Since the number of negative ions in the labyrinth is 18,500 cubic centimeters, this is a real healing point that cancer and asthma patients should visit. You can see tourists from the Far East, especially Japanese and Koreans, meditating for hours inside...

The unit BOVIS is used for the measurement value of auratic energy. And the bovis value of a healthy person is around 6500. If the bovis value drops to 4000, that person is definitely sick or has a health problem. Even in more serious diseases such as cancer, this energy drops to 3000. Especially cancer patients and asthma patients should definitely visit this place.

This "bovis energy" rises up to 25,000-40,000 in the tunnels. How and why could a tunnel and labyrinth with 25,000 bovis energy, 18,500 negative ions, 7.83 magnetic fields and where no bacteria and viruses can live and survive be built and what kind of healing do you think it is?

While the mystery and energy of the pyramids attracts thousands of people every day, as dear Lajla, one of the members of the pyramid keepers there, told me; I, too, have not understood why all kinds of electronics and cell phones that I have touched since my return have stopped working...

Mukaddes Pekin Başdil


Source: Denizli Haber

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